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About Metziil

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    Stary Sabor
  1. Metziil

    DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!

    ah the days of weapon profficiencies, oh you sword skill is only at 15? miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss oh im dead, damn those Scribs....
  2. Metziil

    DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!

    I think I have to agree with this the most.... I love sandbox games, it all started with morrowind, where you could do anything you chose to do, yeah there was a storyline, but after that first room where you can steal everything down to the very last spoon? That is what people want, to do whatever they want in a game, not those games where you are stuck following one path and cannot explore anything else in the game.. for example one of the old LOTR games, you see a tower in the backround and think oh thats cool looking, in Dayz/Skyrim/Minecraft you see the tower and think, I am going to go over there and look at it/destroy it/claim it as my own.... So I think it is the "having the options to do what I want" that makes dayz and others like it so addicting and enticing.
  3. Metziil

    Take note of where you DC

    Reminds me of when I wake up every morning, pitch black not sure where I am, little disoriented, good thing I don't sleep on top of a fire station I suppose.
  4. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    Thanks for all the help and quick interaction fellas.... I gave up on the one server, to much was going wrong I landed on a veteran server :S but I am doing well luckily for me its a very low pop vet server and most of the people that play on it are busy up around the NWAF so I dont have to worry about to much right now. BTW I saw my first Heli crash yesterday.... walking around lost in the woods and see a pillar of smoke and on approach see 5 or 6 ish soldier zombies coming out of the crash.... this game I tell you what keeps things interesting
  5. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    Well the problem came to a head when I got sniped by someone and it kept glitching me out and respawning on my body with no loot, and the sniper kept killing me over and over..... I ended up getting banned from the server for "Hacking"..... The thing is I have no idea how to hack :P the game screwed up and I am now banned from that server, but I am holding my head high. I have found a new server that allows me to refuel do transfusions and die in the correct manner. Unfortunatley now I don't know anyone on the new server. So its back to square one, wish me luck...
  6. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    Well everyone here was the solution for me it was actually a version problem. I downloaded Arma II and Arma II OA through steam but for some reason I had an outdated version. So what I ended up doing was going through Dayz Commander and finding the update screen and sure enough my versions were out of date. Since I updated them the game runs a lot smoother and I can do the Transfusions/Refueling now. Thank you for all the help.
  7. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    I will give this a shot also
  8. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    Fair Enough...
  9. Metziil

    Blood Transfusion/ Refueling

    Hmm I will try this thank you for the quick response. I did try it last night but Dayz is very buggy on my comp for some reason which is weird b/c it says on canirunit.com that my comp should be laughing at this game as far as loading goes but i get in and its rather sluggish/glitchy so i turned it down to norm setting and change antianalysing to low and shadows off but it still runs sluggish and slow.
  10. Metziil

    what do i do with toilet paper

    I like this idea its funny. I used to play on a minecraft server and there was a town that we were at war with I would raid their town and replace their valuables with sand. The admins started looking for "the Sand Bandit" lol it was so funny
  11. So I was playing Dayz last night on a pretty good server, and another survivor and myself decided to team up. Well after a while and withstanding various attacks my buddy needed a blood transfusion, so I was like well let me give it a go i have a blood bag. I used my mouse well to attempt this action while I had Blood in my main inventory and was looking at him but the only option I get is to open his backpack. Any ideas? Then later on him and I found a vehicle or two and decided to fix them up and refuel them, same problem had a full jerry can and could not refuel the vehicle, had all the other options but couldnt refuel, although he was able to put fuel in it himself. So what I am wondering if this is a common issue or if its just me. Any hints would be helpful