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About Calanen

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  1. Thanks for the hints. What has actually worked for now, is deleting the pbo that is said to be damaged, and what surprised me was that arma /dayz still ran without it.
  2. It happened to me lately in the Breaking point mod because that is what I was playing, but happened to me previously on Namalsk in DayZ. The file is usually the anims.pbo which is marked as the wrong signature for file. But a quick search of the web shows that this is a problem that has gone on for *years* with Arma based mods and Arma itself. And you watch the sidechat, and its an endless stream of 'kicked for wrong signature file.' - so its not just me.
  3. I'm making a post about this, because although it has come up many, many times - there is no definitive fix. What people say to do is to re-verify your files in steam. I've done that, repeatedly. They say reinstall battleye, I've done that repeatedly too. I've reinstalled arma 2, OAP, Dayz. I've moved them to different drives. Still, kick for wrong signature file - usually the Anims.pbo. I've deleted the anims.pbo, then asked Steam to reinstall it still nothing. And it's not just me, in Breaking Point the mod, there is a parade of people getting kicked for wrong signature files on sidechat. It's very frustrating. I've also used armarize to try to fix any wrecked files, and that seemed to help for a while, but no longer. There is no answer anywhere on google, I've been through every thread. All of them say, could be, might be this, might be that..nobody knows. Arma 2 is a bit unique in that it generates signatures for files, a bit like encrypted emails. The signature whatever it is, is checked by battleye and if its not correct, you are kicked. Now while this looks for hacking, it is incredibly annoying. If there was an app of some kind which just checked the signatures of those key files, the pbos, fixed them so they were whatever they were supposed to be, that would be good. If anyone has a real fix, not reinstall everything which doesn't work, I'll put 50US in their paypal.
  4. That by itself won't work. You can verify steam til the cows come home. This helps, but it is not the whole story. Also important you run steam as an administrator. But what I found worked ultimately, to keep things on the straight and narrow was amarize which you can get at www.armarize.com and checks all your files on your mods for you. Even with all of that I still get kicks sometimes, there is no way round it.
  5. While you should always use programs at your own risk, I had this problem for months and nothing worked. Not reinstall. Not verify cache on steam. Not reinstalling Battleye Eye or deleting the suspect files and replacing. The only thing that EVER worked after tearing my hair out for months was http://www.armarize.com/, Armarize fixes all the errors on every mod, easy to use, and then detects further errors as they happen. It has fortunately restored my sanity, and I have not seen anyone else recognising it as the fix.
  6. This error and variant thereof, is the most persistent and repeating random error that is just designed to drive any sane person bonkers. Yes, I've re-verified each and every Arma program on Steam. Yes, I've then loaded, Arma 2, then Arma OA - then give a server a try. Perhaps 1 time in 10, I can stay on to play. 9 times out of 10, I get kicked, and usually don't see what it is for, but its because of some signature file when friends tell me what was said. This problem is also all over the web, and it is so pervasive that its almost worthy of having a special app put together just to fix pbos or sig files or whatever it is that makes Battleye spin out and kick people. DayZ is massively glitch, and its part of the game. But this thing, of Battleye kicks some trivial reason has been a thorn in the side of a whole number of players forever. EDIT I FIXED IT. After suffering a lot and for a long time, and doing EVERYTHING everyone said, including reinstalling, verifying game caches, reinstalling battleye, I found something that actually works. www.armarize.com I had this on my machine but never used it. And what it did was list my mods, say which ones were broke. I clicked the box and said repair. It repaired them. I then asked it do a synchronisation on these mods, which it did. After that for the first time in MONTHS, DayZ works and so does Breaking Point, after usually getting kicked at the most inconvenient times. As I don't think anyone has said used armarize to fix this and it actually worked, I commend it to you if you have this problem. I'll probably make a youtube vid about how to do it. I tried to fix it but unfortunately, nothing reliably works all the time. I've tried every type of fix, but constantly get wrong signature for file. I've verified the cache on every steam program, and the rest - but nothing reliably fixes it. The fix is only temporary. And a constant parade of people are getting kicked for wrong signature file, at least on the breaking point mod, maybe it's something peculiar to it, because every few mins, u get someone else kicked.
  7. Calanen

    Uncommon common zombies.

    That's going to be a problem - you might remember from the Fallout games and also Grand Theft Auto there is a problem with including children models in games, because, the censors don't like people being able to blow away kids in games. In some places....even zombie kids, im guessing. Fallout New Vegas had kids, but you couldn't kill them for this reason.
  8. Calanen

    Petrol Bombs

    During the war between Finland and the USSR, the Finns used molotov cocktails that were made by gluing storm proof matches to the sides of bottles with petrol in them. The storm proof matches don't go out and the bottle can be sealed so no leaks of petrol onto you. The rags in the top is so amateur. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Molotovin_cocktail.jpg I also liked the fire spreading Mechanic in Far Cry II, when if you set things on fire, they burnt pretty ferociously and set all the savannah grass on fire. Having a burning or fire spreading mechanic in Dayz would be great.
  9. Calanen

    Heroes - how do you approach them?

    That was the conclusion I came to unfortunately. The comms in the game are terrible too, so its hard to speak to anyone really. Just have to kill em.
  10. The primary source of communication would be talking to people near you, or using hand signals. You just cant do that because of the game mechanics. The next way would be with two way radios. If your point is, people need to 'find' the radio before they can communicate with each in game - maybe. But you'd never be able to stop people from talking to each other, whether from a computer adjacent or via telephone on skype, teamspeak, ventrllo or whatever. My only point was, guys with guns having communications is not unrealistic at all.
  11. Teamspeak is not cheating now more than a squad of people with guns in an apocalypse with radios is 'cheating'. That a squad has some form of communication would be far from uncommon.
  12. Calanen

    Namalsk Bridge Glitch.. or hacker?!

    Yeah it's a long known bug. Regrettably, you can't run across the bridge without being jettisoned into the sky and dying. I know it wasn't a hack because no one else was on the server save as for buddies, who don't hack and even if they did, wouldn't hack me. Given it's sort of one of the few-ish options you have for getting over or taking a very long walk, it's unfortunate. You can stand by the bridge during peak hours to watch people be thrown off the bridge as they try to cross it if you find this sort of thing amusing.
  13. They had wire cutters in Jagged Alliance 2 and they worked well to enable you nto cut through fences. Also allowed you to put the bits and pieces of bullets into one consolidated magazine. The interface on Jagged Alliance is similar in many ways to Arma 2s, and a few lessons can be learned from it. Jagged Alliance 2 was ahead of its time in 1999, and is still considered a classic. Definitely though, a means to destroy fences whether the hatchet for wooden ones or wire cutters or pliars for the chain link ones.
  14. Parody is an affimative defence utilised by the defendant as 'fair use'. Parody however means you are making fun of something, so if you had some Heinz beans gag skit making fun of a Heinz commercial on tv or even just youtube, the fact that heinz beans was in it would probably be fair use. However, just having Heinz beans on the table in anything, a play, a PC game, or in a tv program - is a breach of copyright without the copyright holder's permission. Remember however, parody is a defence, it is not an immunity from suit - you may get sued and have to ask that the defence be implemented. Complicating matters still further are so called 'moral rights', as to an original work being denigrated, in slightly inaccurate terms and whether an artist can prevent this from happening. Copyright holders and their attorneys are very often bullies who bully people into settling through the threat of extremely expensive litigation.
  15. Sorry to hear that about the real world brand names. It's a pity a deal could not be done. Depending on where you are talking about, (locations) copyright law still applies to mods. It's just that in most cases, the copyright owner either doesn't know or doesn't care. The likelihood of the Heinz corporation suing for violation of its copyright for having its label in the DayZ mod is perhaps low. But it could happen. The copyright attorneys that represent such firms seem to operate on a general retainer to write cease and desist letters to every person infringing. In some cases the actual owner has later told the attorneys to back off once their actions have hit the news.