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About Selb

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Selb

    Remove The Screen Shake While In Pain.

    terrible idea
  2. Selb

    EU 40 admin (Dregek) is a cheater!

    I'm sure he'll be keen to spend lots of time on your server' date=' never mind that he has a perfectly good one [b']of his own to play on.
  3. Selb


    what a terrible thread
  4. "hi, i am new to this game and clearly have not progressed beyond the starting areas, however i believe it should be changed to suit me better, at the expense of everyone else" people call it a whine thread because it is a thread consisting of you whining. stop it.
  5. Selb

    What is a Carebear?

    just another term used by idiots to describe anyone who doesn't play the game exactly the same as them. example question: "why do people camp the southern coast with a DMR shooting ten minute old characters?" response: "HUUURRRF YOU FUCKING CAREBEAR NOOB GO BACK TO WOW DJFF$JFD"
  6. reddit full of faggots, nbs
  7. either a superb troll, or a fucking idiot you decide