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About Zeez

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I sent you my GUID and my name.. but still i can't get into the server.. Whats going on.. been trying to get in from 2 days.. I get kicked for not being in the list..
  2. Well, i wasn't rude/didn't say anything to him to treat me the way he did.. You have eyes, u can read What i said/he said. Others get to "your" IRC, because we do not get any response for our emails... what can they do more than that? And where did u get those mods from? didn't you pick them up? And how come a mod can restart/check a server for me/others when he has only my username?..... A mod can do all that? lol Also it reflect you and your business / website! The IRC is at your website! And its under "Contact Info" ! I just wana know one thing before i leave lol, Will you take any action against xir or toker for treating your customers like that? I hope you don't ignore my post (again)!
  3. Did u read everything before typing all of this? lol Did i rage? on what?! I dont rage or get mad at ppl like those (no offense) I was Ex there :) And about the ddos thingy, i lost 10 dayz + - from the 30 days! check their twitter account! Also i did let them change players cap to 40 down from 50, And it laggs like hell when it reach 33 + - players.. so... And no sir, for me they take from 7 to 12hrs to reply to my emails! and with what? two lines only lol .....and wait again! Backup is something easy to do O.o The thing i like is ( i didnt goto anyone else to judge - I found their website thro dayzcommander ) Easy install for me.. I just want to show everyone how they will be treated if they ask them for help..! Zeez!
  4. I dont recommend this Host AT ALL......!! My sub will end in 2 days! and thanks god i saw this.. There is also.. http://imgur.com/sSqblVq http://imgur.com/dgLZlYl They dont give a damn about you.. Think twice before you even check their website.. Im out :) PS: As you saw admins(xir) does not mind showing those pictures at all..