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Everything posted by NewfAndrew

  1. -----About Us----- Hello and Welcome to the new and improved Gunz of Glory! We are a friendly group of gamers looking to keep the good times going and were hoping that you will join us! We are a bandit clan and believe in kill or be killed! We have branched off into other games hoping to build a community of players, like League of Legends, Dota 2 and many more! everyone is meant to feel welcome and have a nice relaxing game and have a few laughs! We are mainly based around in the United States, Canada and Britain, but everyone is still welcome! We will try and host weekly events with prizes! These prizes can include Item(s) for that game, Steam Games, Beta Key(s) and sometimes even Cash! We will have the teamspeak server up 24/7 as long as possible unless there is a update that is needed. -----Requirements----- -17 Years Old -Teamspeak 3 & a Microphone -ENGLISH speaking -Mature -----Rules----- 1. Respect ALL Admins, Mods & Members. 2. NO Un-Necessary noises. 3. NO Hacking/Glitching. 4. NO Sexism/Racism. 5. NO Lying, Stealing or Team-Killing. 6. Don’t Beg or Whine. 7. If you have a disagreement with someone DO NOT bring it up in public, take it to a Mod or Private Room. 8. When it comes to Personal matters please mute your mic or leave the room. Other Info: If a Admin/Mod needs to chat with you they will move you to a "Private Room", they will ONLY do this once you are done what you are doing, unless its VERY important! -----How to Apply----- Once we have our website up and running you will need to apply there but until that time... Name: Age: Location/Time Zone: -----Join our Teamspeak----- gunsofglory.teamspeak3.com -----Find us on Steam!----- http://steamcommunit...sofglorygaming/
  2. our server is back up and running!
  3. We have a new website and will be adding it soon
  4. Alot of our members play wasteland, and the rest server hope and PvP most of the day.