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Everything posted by TheKidCommentaries

  1. TheKidCommentaries

    One Eyed Bandits, Recruiting Mature 15+ Players

    I was randomly banned from the teamspeak, please respond. I'm getting my ArmA 2 OA to work, and I'm pretty sure it's fine now.
  2. TheKidCommentaries

    Someone, Please help me out!

    Hello everyone, my name is Devin. Awhile back, I was banned by BattlEye. Apparently, hacking on a singleplayer mod, counts. Now, I need to know three things. 1. Where do I get a new key? 2. Where do I change my key? 3. After I switch to a new key, do I re-install my game? Un-install it prior? Leave it alone? What? 4. Where can I get the key, FREE. I am NOT paying (again).
  3. The Story of Victor Elliot By Mr. Elliot ' class="bbc_url">@BlacksunGamers About DayZ Diaries: DayZ Diaries is a "novel" that I'm writing completely for this forum, it'll show stories of my characters, fictional characters I create in the DayZ universe, story-lines and back stories I create or build off of the DayZ Universe, and suggestions, stories, and thoughts generated by you, the public. Now, without further ado... to the story. ------- Day One I woke up... I had been thrown out of a military helicopter. They said they'd save me... My name is Victor Elliot, I am a 12 year old combat prodigy developed by the government. I was put into someone else's body, but my mind remains. I am powerful, I am strong. But... I do not know, where I am. On my first day, I traveled to a small town, I came into an encounter with one of those creatures. The zombies. It tackled me to the ground, it tried to bite me. I held my arms out, cross, and my hands straitened out, I started choking him, twisting it's neck and came down with a swipe, breaking his neck. He fell, like a ragdoll, to the left of me. I got up, other zombies seemed to just be staring at me. I continued my travel to the small town, the long dirt road looked rather clean, and so did a few of the buildings. I was curious. Since I was without anything but a backpack, a flashlight, and a map, I decided to take a chance and walk into the church. A small, one entrance/exit area. A lot of people, resorted to religious ways to combat the mental strain of this... outbreak. Personally, it was not the fault of God, or whomever you may or may not worship. It was humans who did this, the government. I was not their only project. Anyways, when I walked into the church, I saw canned food, and two bottles of water, I put them in my bag, and began to move out of the church, only to feel a steel barrel touch my right temple. I heard a muffled voice, which was relatively deep, say, "Backpack, now." I put up my hands slowly, and reached to my backpack, in a swift movement, I threw it at him, causing him to lose balance and nearly fall, he also lost control of his weapon, and while he was trying to control himself over the weight of my heavy backpack, I tackled him. I took the gun from him, and twisted his arm, breaking it, he screamed. I heard zombies start running and screaming, I placed my boot on his mouth, and aimed the gun at him. I shot him in the neck, and began to run, leaving my backpack behind, the zombies already close. Then I saw the pilot. He was talking to what looked to be a high-ranking officer. I got out of the car, opening the door, it creaking loudly. I closed it, and took out my gun. The pilot saw me, and started to run inside the small, one-story office. Unfortunately for him, the automatic doors weren't working. He hit his head on the glass, and fell over, nearly knocking himself out. I just laughed and aimed my gun at his head, no one else even flinched, they just continued doing what they did. The driver then came over to me, and hit me over the head with a heavy bat, I fell to the ground. Too bad he didn't know who I was. I turned swiftly, kicked the bat out of his hands, and making out him out with my blurry vision, I shot him between the eyes. Now everyone got interested. Suddenly, I had handcuffs on me, and was in a cell. A metal tray with what looked like stale bread and water that was somewhat green had populated it. I just put my head down on a rough pillow, and fell asleep. Oddly enough, I still had my handcuffs on. In my sleep... my dreams were different, then any other. Dreams... Coming Soon
  4. The Newbie Experience Well, here I am. The newbie of DayZ, not a surprise. Since I'm such a newbie, I thought, "Why not get active with the community?" Hope I made the right choice. Anyways, I think I should talk a bit about myself. My name is Devin, I'm good at, and enjoy playing basketball, I LOVE gaming, I love making videos, I love programming (Although... I'm learning it off to the side of my busy, busy, BUSY life!) and I have a 4.00 G.P.A. DayZ, has been a game (Err... Mod) I've wanted for a LONG, LONG, LONG time, finally I've purchased Arma 2: CO and I'm actually just finishing installing Operation Arrowhead now! Arma 2 is a great game it self, but DayZ is a masterpiece, so a big thank you to the devs for making such an amazing mod, that I heard will in the upcoming months, will become a GAME! ---------------- I've probably watched... 1,000 videos of DayZ, guides, entertainment, walkthroughs, and more. I really am attached to this game, and when I get in there, I'll be alone, in the harsh Russian lands, zombies, bandits, all that. And I can't trust anyone except my good cousin Josh (We're going to try to meet up) so if anyone has any tips, or would like to help me out, just drop a reply! That's really it, I'm hoping to become an experienced, known, and respected player, here on the forums, in the community, and a in-game. I'll probably begin making a group sometime called "The Republic" which will be a government type group bent on re-building civilization to what THEY want it to be, and how they need it to be! That's about it, thanks everyone! -- Devin -- -- [[ Private First Class ]] -- Stats: Zombies Killed: 168 Bandits Killed: 1 Murders: 3 Meters Walked: 26,504 :beans: -- May Be Updated -- Version 1.0 -- Released Message -- Version 1.1 -- Updated Stats -- Version 1.2 -- Coming Soon -- Bump this thread!
  5. TheKidCommentaries

    New to DayZ, What to do? [The Newbie Experience]

    Thanks guy, the tips are helpful, if you could help spread this thread by sharing/bumping it that'd be great. Hopefully this page will become a popular thread for all newbies.