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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. YAY 500SLOT TS! Multigaming time pandaaaaa! :), might not be on cs tonight mate, me and the misses need some time together, The real misses! :)
  2. YAY 500SLOT TS! Multigaming time pandaaaaa! :), might not be on cs tonight mate, me and the misses need some time together, The real misses! :)
  3. Can we also add logging out before you have respawned / left the "you are dead screen" fed up with not being able to loot because people rage out to desktop and bodys disapear.
  4. Panda, can we get some sort of post here so people know that if they combat log they will be banned, And explain combat logging means leaving / alt f4'ing before you have passed the respawn screen. More and more people are disconecting before looting. Some spastic did it right infront of me and barrington last night as he was dragging him, Kinda stupid when an admins dragging you! haha
  5. Panda give me a shout on teamspeak when your back, need your help with something!
  6. Arma 3 dayz mod???? Aint even heard of this!
  7. Jenny. Im officially going after you this weekend! lets have a 3k - tff war :) PS. No hovering in the Heuy spraying down m240 rounds when i have a DMR GHILLIE AND M4A1 SD CCO WITH 10MAGS! Added bonus note. I will pop your head with my fresh as50 I swear i killed you at NWAF last night hege!
  8. Go do a fresh format! When it says "windows.old will be stored" you dont want that. You want to right quick the drive and press format. make sure it comes up showing like free space 730/733.5 gb
  9. What CPU + Hard drive do you have. the game is not optimized + dayz has all the zombies to render + all the bones moving. Unless you have a SSD citys like cherno/elektro you likely to lag like a mofo! and unless you have a nice CPU your gona lag. I run with around 40/50 fps (GOOD for dayz) with a Q9550 @ 3.83 + 120GB SSD In cherno i drop to 25-30, prior to my SSD i would lag out to like 12
  10. Seriously need to stop making me laugh, Distracting me from work! Although. im counting down the hours untill i can leave work and smash some mofo's at NWAF with my sniporrifk!
  11. NWAF South + NW Baracks. StarySobor Tents. Good Luck :) FN FAL ANVPS is a beast with a scope if you can find one on a downed choper. Search the fields around NWAF and around gvodzno
  12. Hahahahah! did u just photoshop that whilst being at work? i was creasing at the images and everyone at work was asking why i was laughin. I PROMISE IM MONITORING THE SERVERS, IM NOT LOOKING AT DAYZ FORUMS! Oooo its good
  13. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Laser Dot

    They dont damage the NVG, They impair the user's ability to see for a few minutes as the eye's need to re-adjust to the ambient light. The NVG themself's also need to re-adjust the surface etc. Try wearing nvg's and looking at a flare. You will be blind! Trust me though. do it in real life and you feel like you have been blinded
  14. if your mobo is sata3 get sata 3. I have both and my sata 3 is much much faster. Get a 120gb SSD for your OS + Important games. (i have arma + bf3) and use a 1TB 7200RPM Spinpoint f3 / WD Black for everything else / media btw. overclockers.co.uk scan.co.uk
  15. Hahahahaha! Weasel, I can actually picture you being that cat. Your attitude comes across a bit like his blunt face! I HOPE YOU LIKE DYING!
  16. FN FAL ANVP/S? and non-night sighted gun, M4A1 CCO SD. Silenced for nighttime sneaky. and the CCO still lights up red
  17. Kind of thick arnt you? What sort of retard belive's a medical box containing 500+ weapons including Thermal and AWS's to be legitimate. your fault for using the box in the first place and not reporting it. Secondly. as someone said. Private Hive's are completely seperate and funded by the admins. They can do what they want. Yes some of them are little power hungry 13 years olds. but some monitor and admin there servers very well.. Try UK#10 Zombieworld.eu - Whitelisting only. If you hack you wont find your self on many servers anymore.
  18. and panda. Can you remove some of the l86LSW?looted all 4 chopah sites with weasel last night, we found 3 l86's there far too common!
  19. you have done it on the wrong order and done the backpack eat! For example. mk12 in your BP as50 in your hands. You open your backpack up, and move the mk12 into your hands and it will move the as50 into the bp. if you try moving the as50 into the backpack when the mk12 is there which you have obviously done, you deleted it. Congratulations on the human error and dayz bug :) GOGO AS50..... NAHHHHT
  20. I have just cracked up in the office at work. 4: Wearing a Ghillie Suit does not entitle me to communicate in Wookie over TeamSpeak. Had me in stitches!
  21. Would say come play with me, Ex british armed forces infantry cpl but to be honest unless im taking rounds im generally messing around untill shit hits the fan :) if your looking for a millitary strucuture in anything its not for you, fancy a laugh and a bit of a p**stake untill things go sour. hit me up :) EU Server
  22. If its -6 UTC use your brain :D night time around 10oclock UK? so add 6 to it. 3/4 in the morning