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Everything posted by o-richardson@live.co.uk

  1. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Can you get 30 Slot Servers?

    Look around for some hosters, Ask them. Its generaly going to be up to the hosters how many slots. ive seen 12slot servers, find a host, (vilayer,dayzpriv) for example, live chat ,ask them.
  2. The Z's atm are easy to kill becos there buggy, if they continued to run at the normal speed towards you,m would be much harder to hit.... There so easy to HS right now because of the heads bugging about alot. Unless your one of the ammo hoarders who use more than 1 round per zombie.
  3. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    How Hypocritical Heroes are Worse than Bandits

    I have just creased into laughter at work and been caught browsing the dayz forums again. me 0 - work firewalls 1. Lucky im a system admin and just turn it off EHH
  4. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Inventory Issues

    dont ever try put a gun into your backpack if you dont have 10 slots. Known issue since release. BB Nice shiny new arsenal!
  5. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Jay Decay DAYZ Mod - Random Acts Of Violence Episode 1

    16 year old hillbilly from the hills who enjoys shooting fresh spawns with an as50? Euch. At least show some skill by killing people up north who have gear, Pro***ly get sat on by a winchester user.
  6. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Windows 8 OA Crash to Desktop

    Also, try running the game on a single moniotor @ 1920 for example. Update nv drivers.
  7. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Windows 8 OA Crash to Desktop

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll Delete this file then run a steam validation check and make it re-download the file. Also make sure you run arma 2 original and make a profile prior to joining any OA servers. Im on windows 8 and i have no issues at all. If not run as administrator, including steam.
  8. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Ok so ive been banned, what are my rights?....

    Possibily own up to using scripts/esp BE dosent just ban for nothing, and its not the most advanced AC around either. Note to self maybe: Play games without being a moron.
  9. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Questions about hardware

    I have a p35 chipset gtx 460 + q9550 for sale £300 for all, runing stable @ 3.93 i can run the game on high at decent frames
  10. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Karma System for the Standalone

    Karma system? Its a zombie apocalypse. Im fairly sure everyone would be creating bad mojo at some points. Just stick to stick and stones... OAH AND AS50'S!
  11. EUUUUUURRRAAAAHHHHH My demons coming out.. Swear down i hate combat logging tits!!!!!! baseball bat - > Kneecaps - > Boat - > Overboard. BYE BYE
  12. Location:Russia Location:Russia Location:Russia Location:Russia Hi Panda!
  13. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    i3 2100 (turn HT off in bios) or a am3 fx 6300 / hexcore / 4300 quad Would still go with an i3 though. only benifit to amd is leaving the socket there for the future as intel bunnyhops forcing people to upgrade everything. Couldnt think why? Oah i know. They make most of the main components in the majority of all mobo's aswell!
  14. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    And btw that system with the G820 aint worth the money its printed on lol, terrible system.
  15. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    CHeap gaming system capable of running arma , the lowest i would go is a i3 2100, I had one and i would run @ 70+ fps and like 25 in cherno (NO SSD) paired with a gtx 280 would work for u on a budget. Was a p67 mobo
  16. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    £700 aint cheap. i5 2500k systems are 450/500 now and they smash anything on the market at the moment aslong as your gpu is good enough
  17. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    If you read what i have put aswell (either way your looking @ £500+) 7970 = 180+ decent am3+ board = £80 cpu - £100 (6200 sucks 6300 is a bit better) same price aswell ram - £50odd (cheap 8gb) + the little extras... for the i5 3570k your paying an extra £70 odd quid on that am3 system and reciving a HUGE performance boost. almost double. i would rather save as long as it took to pay the little bit extra and get a chip whats worth the money.
  18. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    Link me the spec's of frankie's vid. Any system capable of running dayz at playable framerates WHILE recording isnt going to be cheap (or in budget for your age unless your parents condone spending shit loads on a system) as above, a system capable of doing so is going to set you back £500 AT LEAST
  19. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    Ill happily price up everything for you. I5 3570K 8GB DDR3 1600 ASUS/MSI BOARD Z77 630W+ PSU Cheapish Nice cabletidy case cm/antec SSD 120GB S3 1TB WD Black / F3 (storage drive) 660 / 7950 (7870 for money save) For a full system capable of dayz @ good performance (and btw, these specs will chew up any other game out at the moment and eat it for dinner lunch and breakfast) As mentioned above. outline us to your current system + do u have monitors/mouse keyboards etc. Your looking @ about 500 for the main components. cpu,gpu,ram,mobo The rest is really cosmetic / personal preference (apart from psu)
  20. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    to be able to run dayz at a decent frame rate + amazing looking gfx u will need a nice system. i5/i7 + SSD My mates pc runs it amazing 60+ fps constant and like 30+ in cherno on busy servers, never seen him drop below 30, MAX graphics + anti aliasing @ 1920x1080. I would recoment. I5 3570K @ 4+ / I7 3770 / 3570K @ 4+ gtx 660 / amd 7950 And for arma 2 you NEED an SSD. Get an ocz / intel ( i run ocz and there RMA programe is amazing, Intel are quick as hell aswell) May be around like £500/600 if you already have a case + PSU and stuff Bundles for i7 run about £350 mobo,cpu,ram. gfx £180+ case + Psu £100 roughly. This will also future proof you.
  21. You know this! ZWCS :) ICU and panda take the scene by storm, Panda with his scout aimbot and ICU with his uncanny spraydowns and bullshit pistol aim And nah, shes really ill at the moment so i have to look after her. Even though im a propper knob to her at times, and you know why, im head over heels for her even after a long hard year! the other side of what i do without her knowing has no affection to it at all :)
  22. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Radeonpro + Increasing FPS

    Arma 2 is CPU Intensive. That CPU is not going to cope with arma at all especially dayz. Im running a q9550 + GTX 470 + SSD I can run the game on high/low and no change in fps, 40/50 average cherno 25+, Ive hit 20 at times depending on the server. Its just arma 2 for you bro. only people i know who can keep a 30+ fps is my mates running i7 systems. Hes running a i7 3770K @ 4.4 + GTX 680 SLI Both 4gb editions. Dont get much better than that system, Even he drops to 30fps in cherno. Its just the game bro!
  23. Cant see the pic weasel, ill look when i get in :)
  24. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    H&K G36 is one of the most used used weapons by SF's around the globe for its compact size, pinpoint accurary up to 500m and its low recoil, In the game its absolutely amazing if you use it right! :) SA80 is a thing of beauty :) (or L85A2) as you may know it. or the mother of all L129A1 :)
  25. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Consolidated Weapons/Equipment suggestions

    I think you should do some research :) The human body is capable of a lot more than people think. Look at some of the top brass in the millitary, Heck even the low. You would be amazed what you can do when your put through it. 2 years millitary service. I have endured things i thought unbareable.