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Everything posted by o-richardson@live.co.uk

  1. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)

    and btw, EVERYGAME has Issues at the start. Its part of having new games. The whole point of NO private hives in the start (read the blogs) is so they can monitor things. LIKE DUPING. Use your common sense, and look at things from the point of view of not just your self, or the consumer. But the dev's and programmers. I would rather have the game released, test it and provide positive feed back on such things, rather than wait 2 years for it all to be "fixed" then find out, its still filled with bugs. Make sense yet Banjo?
  2. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)

    You really are a spastic young sir. Why not worry about these issues when they come, they wont be fixed untill people find out how to do it will they. Hence the point of testing.
  3. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)

    My mistake, Your speaking of a mod for arma 2 Not a standalone game being developed. GO FIGURE Dont think you see the point. Shut-up and wait for the game to be released, test it, then give feedback. You have not seen the product in any way or form thats being developed, your ASUMING its going to be the same as dayz. (A mod)
  4. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Bought Arma 2 to play dayz but my key is banned?

    "1" Post. Obviously your cheats are not working (dont think any are tbh LOADS of bans going through recently its glorious!) Or you bought your key from a cheap shop. Note: Pay full price for online games (or you wont get to play them generaly) Or research where from. Me love you long time, Me so horny
  5. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    DayZ stops working, corrupts current windows session.

    Yeah re-install / re-format kind of the same thing :D Boot windows from the disc, Choose the drive keep going through (as if you are reformating) It will do a clean instalation and place everything on the outside of the hdd in windows.old If you have 2 HDD's (i use ssd for windows 1tb for storage) smash everything you need (games) onto the storage drive, and format the other one (bare in mind you dont want to format an ssd!!!)
  6. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    DayZ stops working, corrupts current windows session.

    I smell re-format. :) fixed everything and its quicker than searching for hours and hours (you dont loose anything windows.old is a life saver)
  7. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)

    PS. While were on yet another subject asking for unnessecary requests (which are fairly obvious) ROCKET PLEASE CAN YOU IMPLEMENT A TRANSFORMER INTO THE GAME... Would be so cool if you could jump into a transformer and go PEW PEW around cherno
  8. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)

    Wouldnt really need to implement anything into the EULA. These days you dont pay for a game, You pay for acess to it. The company's and game owners can do whatever they want within the game as long as you can "play" it however they decide. Im fairly sure it shouldnt be the community asking things like this, as everything will be moved server side "mmo" style, Items are less likely to be duped-able, and will be very easy to see. I do wish people who havent even seen the standalone yet keep pestering the forums asking for feature after feature after problem after issue. Unless its critical to the development of the game and bringing it out, shut the fuck up untill you have tested the game.
  9. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    New player looking for UK Community to hang with.

    Glad to see you bro :) Ill introduce you around when your on, and apply for whitelist on zombieland.eu / the forums here. Could also PM me your guid and ill give it to panda :) Just to inform you, you should like bandits when playing on this server, People are friendly (if your on teamspeak) if your not, your gona have a fun time being shot at haha But we often have 6man squad going around, helicopter raids, Cherno Police Department which is funny as hell! youtube cherno police department by bazzladd
  10. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    New player looking for UK Community to hang with.

    Check out the zombieworld.eu post by Panda :) Amazing community always 20+ people on teamspeak, generally 30+ on the server. or www.zombieworld.eu And btw, there's weekly events (like hunt the admin) Barry even sings songs, And its not one of those bullshit "admin bases and power abuse" servers. Its standard dayz with all the scriptkicks fixed, running antihacks and whitelist only. Never seen a hacker last more than 2-3 minutes, and never seen a nuke since playing there.
  11. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    This Might Help Someone. Possible Fix For Anyone

    Yeah, steam jumped on the bandwaggon to push out the mod more (obviously thye have made money from dayz being out aswell hence arma on steam now) Its terrible the way they have done it and you still need dayzc / 6up to update and stuff (unless you prefer spending longer manualy doing it) everyone should stick to dzc :)
  12. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    And may i just add, You sir, Know fuck all! Recomending a gfx card for arma 2... are you spasticated? GFX cards dont do much in this game compared to cpu You could have a 4ghz i7 3570k and a 280gtx and run it maxed, Have a q6600 and a 690gtx and lag like fuck.
  13. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Building pc for DayZ.

    Technically no. But in cherno when your harddrive is being smashed left right and center and your cpu cant keep up Droping to 12 frames. SSD improved that and i keep 25fps never drop below. Technically it does. But yeah running around and stuff you wont see an increase at all!
  14. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Best idea ever. Implement this in standalone, please.

    then people would die on purpose to become stronger and faster!
  15. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    This Might Help Someone. Possible Fix For Anyone

    :) Who uses steam to actually play anyway... Its terrible for arma! DZC / 6UP
  16. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Friendly PVP Server with AI Bandits and Trading Zone.

    Some vechiles often sound like gunfire going off at times, faint but a mindfuck in anycase, and tbh the AI if it wass them would likely hit your car with ease!
  17. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Is This Something New For The Sniper Rifle, M107?

    I love you, not stupidy! someone here has black ops experiance and is sharing us some new info on world class technology! LAWLS!
  18. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Is This Something New For The Sniper Rifle, M107?

    i officialy pissedmy self for a good 2-3minutes. I do love these forums, i forgot non-thermal / aws weapons can track through walls, its a bug. the m107 is fully capable of tkaing an engine block or penatrating a large wall surface. The way it works is the head of the "round" hits the wall with such force that it ejects thousands of little HE like penetrables which blast a hole through the wall (or destroy a large surface area of human tissue) Look up .50 rounds and penetrating power :) good comment though
  19. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Better dead than a Zed - UK

    Another server offering items to try and get people to stay, Kind of ruins the whole "survivor aspect" of the game. Its meant to be hard, meant to be scavanged for items. giving people items unbalances the game. Let them play how they want without giving them any sort of bonus to other players. Unfair advantage springs to mind.... (scripting is the same)
  20. Love it when mulitple people post about a shitcunt admin! Hope someone goes and rages him into a coma!!
  21. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Complete admin abuser, UKSS private hive server

    Saw the post by the guy who actually machete'd him, Another butthurt admin! Hes just lost a lot of good players by having this posted on here, especialy by more than 1 person! Good riddance i would say, people now know not to join his server. Blaitently 15 year old admin who spawns him self gear anyway (why else have gear on thecoast)
  22. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    This Might Help Someone. Possible Fix For Anyone

    Or just use dayzcommander and dont play through steam... Easier
  23. Just another butthurt admin on a private hive JOYFULL 15 year old no doubt. Enjoy the downsides to shit admins running private servers (who generally spawn there own gear) which makes them no better than scripters in the first place. Dicks :)
  24. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Combine low round magazines

    That makes no sense as he was on about a 30rnd stanag having 10rounds in it, and again with 20 in it, to combine to make it 30 (the max limit) so as you say, as50? you clip max = 10 so you couldnt exceed it, he just means having 1 clip with a single round in combining it with one with 5 for example, which in real life you can do easily. eject the round from the clip (or chamber) and depress it into the other magazine. Simples :) Although i will say he didint explain him self very well and was a little bit confusing about it. (im guessing hes not a english speaker)
  25. o-richardson@live.co.uk

    Difficulty Setting For Player Location On The Map

    Play without a map, and run dayzdbmap in the background for quick referece, Get used to moving around via landmarks and compass. found it hard when i first started, i now know my way around the whole of chernarus on foot by looking at towns and using compases to get my bearings. will benifit you in the longrun, aswell as flaking around people without using the map