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Everything posted by Silverhawk71

  1. Silverhawk71

    Put suggestions here

    Been done long ago. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/97659-consolidated-weaponsequipment-suggestions/?hl=%2Bconsolidated+%2Bweapons
  2. Silverhawk71

    DayZ SA - Random Forest Camps

    End of the day the idea in itself doesn't have any flaw. Why not have more reasons to encourage people to explore forest areas? sure player camps will be around but if people learn there are even more incentives to go looking through forests with an eye open, especially on new servers which have no playerbase or established player "camps" the suggestion should not be discouraged.
  3. Silverhawk71

    Where are you finding M4 ammo/mags?

    barracks, airfields, military tents, large factory (Chernogorsk, Berezino and between Orlovets - Polana, control tower and the larger military buildings in all rooms.
  4. Silverhawk71

    Player tents

    No mention of them as yet, I'm sure in time the tents will come back, along with the stashes etc.
  5. Silverhawk71

    Can we have binoculars?

    I'd settle for the ability to hold scopes in hand and use them as spotting tools as an interim fix until they model some binocs :D
  6. Silverhawk71

    Suggestion : herbs

    haha, force smoke herbs.
  7. Silverhawk71

    DayZ SA - Random Forest Camps

    I like it, maybe not so much for people to move in, but why wouldn't you come across survivor camps? Other versions of the mod had it, Fallujah for one. I found it a good addition for the long runs between distant towns.
  8. Silverhawk71

    Various engaging survival elements and Endgame ideas

    I cant see anyone going for this idea. As you say it makes it a bit too supernatural, too unbelieveable. If however geared up guys grouped up to hit a much higher density zombie population at like the shipwreck or one of these newer buildings their putting in for some rare pieces then that would be a much more believable option.
  9. Silverhawk71

    Messing with people. Can turn ugly

    heyyy, I remember you guys, nice vid.
  10. Silverhawk71

    Mosin 9130

  11. Silverhawk71

    Falling through second story floor [Bug]

    I've had a similar bug, was in stary sobor in one of the new types of garages which come in the group of three. Was in the middle one crouched trying to get my vicinity loot to show the can of food. Somehow from there trying to edge forward at the table I teleported to the next shed in the row. I'm leaning towards it being a latency / server talking to client thing for that to even be possible.
  12. Silverhawk71

    The new magnum

    Not yet, would guess more residential.
  13. Silverhawk71

    Blood Test Kit Location?

    Best bet is a hospital, just after restart. I've found a few before, even found one that was pristine so I figured out my blood type and kept moving.
  14. Silverhawk71

    Mosin Nagant: Which kind of 7.62?

    No, you need to empty the cardboard box, then load the rounds into the gun.
  15. Silverhawk71

    Knocking people out.

    Interesting, i could imagine something like beanbag rounds being feasible (shots to the head only). Or a tranq dart launcher even. Would give people who dont want player kills an easy out.
  16. Silverhawk71

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    I'm sure the developers feel the same way, you see them make references to "Mad Max", they know what a post apocalyptic world should look / feel like. These sneak peaks of characters and items / clothing are very early days and definately not limited to what we are seeing. They state that clothes will affect much more than earlier versions of the game from extra pack space through use of pockets, changes to reactions with environmental conditions. I would be very surprised if there aren't varying quality of items that for example dont keep you as warm as a jumper that wasnt as battleworn, or holes in pockets that have a % chance to lose anything in those pockets. Not everyone wants to run around though looking like a three-toothed monkey but, maybe cross your fingers for some creative character skins.