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About Niuqorram

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    San Antonio, TX
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  • Bio
    I record gaming related content for my YouTube Channel, and specialize in zombie videos more than other types. Of course, I still record other games if they interest me, but my main subject is zombies. I'm also on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, you name it. Check me out sometime!
  1. Niuqorram

    I miss the old dayz..

    Why must you assume that? It's funny, whenever someone makes a negative comment about DayZ, the poster is mauled to death, called an idiot/dumb/retard/WarZ Fanboy/etc. Some people never even bothered touching WarZ, though still think DayZ has some problems. Are you going to kill them for it? Seriosuly, it's just messed up.
  2. Niuqorram

    RIP DayZ

    Well, he meant the mod, not the standalone, but whatever...
  3. Niuqorram

    Can Someone Please Help Me!

    Thank god finally someone who actually plays in 1st-Person! I swear, it's annoying as hell when you watch over 9,000 DayZ YouTube videos and they're ALL in 3rd-Person all the time. As for your problem, it may be your graphics card. Is it up to date with drivers and whatnot?
  4. Niuqorram

    quickest question ever

    Unflavoured? Let's call it Tofu DayZ, then.
  5. I don't recommend getting the mod, it's better to just wait for the Standalone. If you're dead-set on getting your "DayZ Fix", then go ahead. But I don't think it's worth it.
  6. Niuqorram

    Will This Asus Run Day Z?

    If you're going to purchase a Pe-Made PC from Best Buy, I recommend this one: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/iBUYPOWER+-+Desktop+-+8GB+Memory+-+500GB+Hard+Drive/6979796.p?id=1218818465502&skuId=6979796 Kickass specs for the price. Unless you're dead-set on a laptop, of course...
  7. Niuqorram

    Diving, Underwater Bases/Caves and Water Vehicle's

    I swear, if it were, it would be the best game of all time. It would become my new most favorite of all time game, beating Donkey Kong 64 (I've loved that game to death ever since I bought it when I was 4.)
  8. Niuqorram

    Diving, Underwater Bases/Caves and Water Vehicle's

    If only we had DayZ Standalone on the Arma III engine... A man can dream, can't he?
  9. Niuqorram

    DayZ Standalone Requirements?

    Hmm... I'm getting a new PC with an AMD Radeon HD 7850 and FX-8120, plus 16GB of RAM. I think I'll be able to run SA, I just wonder if I'll be able to record it above 30 FPS, as I am a YouTuber.
  10. Niuqorram

    DayZ Standalone End Game?

    I think a cool End Game would be essentially escaping Chernarus on a boat or Air Vehicle, going away from the map. I think DayZ really needs an End Game, but a tough one, to keep players busy for a long while, and actually give them some sort of objective. Of course, not forced upon the player, but more as a "If you do this, you'll be rewarded greatly."