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Everything posted by bishopz

  1. Looking for an experienced player that knows how to play dayZ properly, i don't have problems with beeing a bandit, nor a hero. I'm available right now, add me on steam "BISHOP DAYZ MFKS" and we can enter a ts-server or skype or whatever, hopefully you play alot!
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for someone of age (20+) that has the mindset to understand tactical playing, not rushing everything - I'm at NW Airfield and i need someone to engage it with. I carry my own weight and i am not a childish player, ofcourse we can have a laugh but i'm dead serious when we engage enemies, please be of age, speak good english and hopefully we can teach each other a few things :) add me on steam now, if you want to play - ali2k or try bishop <3 DayZ
  3. Hey all, looking for an AWESOME guy to play with, i'm learning fast and i have become a good player, it's just gettin boring to wander around alone! I have everything we need to survive, just need someone to share it with! Cool thanks, i play mostly on DE Servers and some UK, just.. add me on steam - ali2k or try "bishop <3 DayZ" LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU! :D CURRENT LOCATION: Somewhere around NW Airfield.