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About Nofu

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    On the Coast

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  1. Nofu

    High Ping, yet no Ping

    1) I guess I forgot to mention, but it is wired. I will never game wirelessly unless I have to. 2) They fixed SW:ToR.... Can't they fix this :(
  2. So I just finished building my new desktop: i7 3700k 3.5 GHZ GTX 550ti 8 gb Ram So I am not worried in any means of my computers ability to play this game. Here is all the information though: So this past weekend I was at my house playing DayZ just fine. I played over multiple different servers with little to no problems. Then I get back to campus. Yes, I live in a dorm. No, my dorms are not jackwads; they do not restrict internet usage (some what). So I get on campus and start up DayZ. Holy poo, this is bad. My pind is hovering around 1300ms or 2300ms. Sometimes I am lucky and it drops down to 800ms. So I call my housing dept. They say that they don't keep ping packets so the Ping I see is "artificially" high and I should be fine. Well the servers don't care and won't even let me in. Except one: Laughing Man's Server #3. This server I have a character on and I never have over 50ms. I could hop on it right now, just don't ask me to do that for any other server. I disabled my Windows Firewall, but sadly, it was on when I was playing at home. The housing dept says it isn't the ports and I should just keep retrying to join, but after the tenth time I usually give up. No I do not have direct access to a 'modem.' Any suggestions as to why this single server works, and not others? Thanks in advance.
  3. Nofu

    Everybody heads for cherno!

    Dear Diary, Remind me to go to Olsha.
  4. Nofu

    Town Take Over

    Taking over a town = killing all bandits and people who pose a threat. Has nothing to do with zombies.