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Posts posted by walten34

  1. Putting your video settings on low can actually affect performance negativey so try upping some of the settings. Arma 3 is far better optimised already BTW as it's a modern game.

    Ninjad :'(

    Would anyone please specify all settings which should be above normal / low?

    I heard smasht_AU say shadows <= normal will cause the CPU to generate shadows (so I am going to bump mine back up when I get home from work), but what other features should be increased to move the calculation from CPU to GPU?

    I have an i5 2400, single radeon 6870 and 4gb of ram. Currently post processing antistropic filtering and Antialiasing are all disabled. I think everything else is at normal (object detail may be on high).

    Also video memory is at default.

  2. The servers you speak of are private hives. They work as you described. There are also public hives, they are all connected, if you have gear you will retain the gear on all servers. For example, if you have a DMR on public hive #1, you will also have that DMR on public hive #4. While this works with gear and player location, vehicles and tents don't transfer from server to server.

    Private hives are better in my opinion, I find that many public hives fall prone to hacking and/or are run by abusive admins. One hacking attack=Hours or weeks of gear lost.

    Also, many people in combat in Pub hives will logout, go to a diff server, move behind you, log in, and kill you, leaving you clueless.

    Try them both out, come up with your own opinion.

    Yeah, server hopping is a pain with public servers. That threat's always there so you have to watch your back. Not to mention there's the risk peeps stay in one spot (nwaf or stary) and hop from pub to pub looking for people running around at the location to slaughter.

    I don't like nighttime dayz and anytime I play weekdays is in the evening so I go to a 24/7 daytime server.

  3. Hey guys! My name is Jake. Currently, me and and couple of my clan members (State Farm Squad) have purchased a dayZ server. Its pretty good, we are still adding lots of vehicles, so the server will be restarting from time to time from the regular scheduled restarts (12 hours). But it would be a great chance for you to learn and try to get in good since we are looking for admins... Our server offers new players (for a short while, then we will begin what we call Challenge weeks more info on this email jakefromstatefarm237@gmail.com) an amazing custom load out including but not limited to an L85 HOLO. There's some more things, but im not here to cover the gear portion. Our server runs a little bit of mods, it includes the debug monitor, Death messages(are a bit glitch), and you can refuel anywhere. we also have rMOD installed. This means that our Fallujah server is going to be running a lot of air/ground vehicles. To be on the point we changed the server to allow 999 vehicles but we have to put in the spawns one by one. This server is usually admin active, but there are cases where it isn't. The admins are very helpful, and love to play DayZ. Like I said the server is good for learns as the amount of vehicles. We also have a teamspeak3 server. And we also are going to start recording gameplay on the server.. The server ip is: the custom start screen includes the teamspeak 3 info. Thanks for reading guys!

    Can't remember where I saw you (which server), but I always got a chuckle when you were killed. It was almost as if you were dying on purpose the number of times I saw you go down.

  4. Hi all,

    In case anyone's interested, I did some testing to find out what sort of bandwidth DayZ uses.

    This is by no means a comprehensive analysis. Just some numbers in case you're interested.

    I ran each test for about 15 to 20 minutes, disconnected, and ran it again.

    I only started recording rates once my character has fully spawned in.

    Panthera 1.8, nighttime, 2 players - Avg download: 76 kbps, Avg upload: 216 Kbps

    Panthera 1.8, nighttime, 2 players - Avg download: 69.4 kbps, Avg upload: 420 Kbps

    Panthera 1.8, nighttime, 2 players - Avg download: 72.5 kbps, Avg upload: 383 Kbps

    Panthera 1.8, daytime, 13 players - Avg download: 96.3 kbps, Avg upload: 228.0 Kbps

    Taviana 2.0, daytime, 8 players - Avg download: 72.5 kbps, Avg upload: 77.4.0 Kbps

    Vanilla mod, daytime, 23 players - Avg download: 120 kbps, Avg upload: 86 Kbps

    Vanilla mod, daytime, 8 players - Avg download: 101 kbps, Avg upload: 322 Kbps

    So in about 2 hours of playing, I had an average Down of 87Kb/sec. and Up of 247 KB/sec

    That equals 306 Megabytes per hour Down and 868 Megabytes Up. (1.14GB total)

    For those with bandwidth caps, this might help explain your increased bill each month.


    Just for fun, I cranked up a couple of games to compare:

    Chivalry: medieval warfare - Download: 42Kbps. Upload: 36Kbps

    Counter Strike (arms race mode) - Download: 170 Kbps. Upload 60Kbps.

    I run a stock i5 2500K CPU, 4GB RAM, stock Radeon HD 6850 and get a typical framerate of 40-60 FPS on "very high" settings.

    Please share your stats. I'd like to know what other games stack up.

    Can you give the value of each setting in the advanced setting menu? (this will go into the details of the very high settings). Like your AA, texture setting, postprocessing etc, can you list it all?

    Also did you overclock your cpu or gpu?

    I have the same setting except I have a 6870 instead of a 6850. I get about those frames as well.

  5. I've got a few that I've tried out, but haven't really found a "home" server. I'd like to find a more permanent residence though. Mainly so I can get acquainted with a clan or whatever so I don't have to fear for my life as much ;) My current survivor is finally able to survive in the wild with hunting animals/gutting them/cooking meat on a fire, so I'm a little paranoid about coming in contact with any humies and losing all that progress via an AK47 bullet to the face. Also got an ALICE pack which is noice!

    Ah, I see you're from Iowa as well!

    Yup, I am in Des Moines!

    I play on the laughing man, ped man (, radioactive playground, and oc gaming (

  6. A couple things that took me a while to get the hang of, is learning how to use your backpack. There are some good youtube videos on explaining how it works.

    Also, when I started, I didn't really like the mouse-wheel contextual menu, but the more I play the more I love it. Based on what your crosshairs are pointed at, your mouse wheel will have different options. This helps speed up your play and open/close doors quickly, for instance.

    Hey cjens which server do you play on?

  7. As said in the title really. I assumed it would use up a bit... But I only got it a couple of weeks ago, and play for like 2 hours a day maybe but my dad has just got a letter from our providers saying that we have used up all of our usage by the 14th march?

    How much does it use up?

    It uses up as much bandwith as is required to send packets between the client (your pc) and the server (the machine hosting the dayz instance you connected to).

    Please see the following link for an explanation of methods you can use to determine your bandwith usage: http://www.howtogeek...andwidth-usage/

    If this helps, then please click "You have my beans!" in the bottom right...

    • Like 3

  8. Commander functions better, although it practically gangbangs your CPU so don't plan on doing anything else when you're using it.

    Wait so after entering a server you should close down Dayz commander? I guess I noticed it takes up a lot of memory in task manager.

    I'm running a 2011 core i5 quad core 3.2ghz with a radeon 6870 and 4 gb of ram. Would closing down dayz commander after selecting a server increase in game performance? (reduce memory and cpu usage)?

  9. Avoid the barracks, the risk usually isn't worth the reward. You're better off hunting for chopper crash sites. :)

    +1 above. Also, deerstands were mentioned by someone else. I have yet to find anything other than ammo or low value weaps in deerstands and I spent one hour loot cycling one this past weekend (not to mention the numerous times I come across them while running around).

  10. Check this explanation out: http://mydayz.de/en/...wn-how-it-works

    Take note that looting with a buddy rocks! One of you stays within the 120 m radius but out of the 30 m radius and causes the stuff in the 30 m radius that's been cleared to spawn while the guy in 30 m radius camps inside the 30 m radius. This way no one has to risk being shot running to and from the shopping mart or firehouse etc to leave hte 30 m radius.

    Please give me your baked Heinz (bottom right corner) if this helps.

  11. -Must have Teamspeak.

    - Must have a mature / respectful attitude.

    - Must be willing to join the BMRF Private Hive & obey their rules.

    - Please list your timezone, and times you play throughout the week and weekend.

    - List any specialties / roles you can fulfill

    I have team speak.

    I am 26.

    I am willing to play on BMRF

    I am in the central time zone (IA)

    I can fulfill assault, support, recon, sniper

    In game name is currently michael.cx

    Other servers I can be seen on:

    Laughing Man

