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About Absmoke

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Absmoke

    What are beans in DAY-Z?

    Beans are one of the longest-cultivated plants. Broad beans, also called fava beans, in their wild state the size of a small fingernail, were gathered in Afghanistan and the Himalayan foothills.[2] In a form improved from naturally occurring types, they were grown in Thailand since the early seventh millennium BCE, predating ceramics.[3] They were deposited with the dead inancient Egypt. Not until the second millennium BC did cultivated, large-seeded broad beans appear in the Aegean, Iberia and transalpine Europe.[4] In the Iliad (late-8th century) is a passing mention of beans and chickpeas cast on the threshing floor.[5] Beans were an important source of protein throughout Old and New World history, and still are today.
  2. Hi everybody, recently the game has been updated and I noticed the graphic and some stuff ingame have been modified.. now my problem is that I don't find anything anymore. I've just found a baseball bat but nothing else, how is it possible? Moreover my favourite servers sometimes disappear from the list on Dayz Commander and sometimes they're grey as you can't log in them.. I don't understand what's happened with this new update. How can I do? thanks
  3. Absmoke

    Chopper fuel

    Hi everybody! I noticed with a chopper that the fuel lowers even if I'm not using it, how is it possible? Thanks
  4. Hi everyone! I had some troubles with my friend cos we found a Biplane stuck in a corner, and now we don't know how to make it go reverse and so back in position. Do you know the commands to make it go reverse? Thanks
  5. I ask you this especially because I still haven't found a good server where to begin "building" a base camp with tents and stuff inside them. I one server where I've been the tents disappeared (shouldn't they disappear if they're inactive for 1 week?), thus I'd like a server where I wouldn't have to worry about this. Thanks!
  6. Hi! Me and my friends are looking for a nice place, possibly not too far from the main cities and easily attainable. I was planning to check Green Mountains, even if that's a bit far, just to see how would be to set a base camp there, with tents and maybe also barbed wire. Maybe do you know a nice place? Thank you!
  7. Absmoke

    Fly a Chopper

    Hi! Do you know how to start a chopper, and how many fuel liters are needed? Thanks!
  8. Absmoke

    Bugs Issue

    Hi everybody! I had a problem on a few servers : when I drink something, I get disconnected. How is it possible? Is it a bug or something?
  9. Absmoke


    A zombie bird?
  10. Absmoke

    New Player Guide

    Very useful ;)
  11. Absmoke


    I do agree with the fact that, for beginners, Dayz it's not really easy to install (too many steps to follow). I personally took a few days before understanding completely the procedure.
  12. Absmoke

    Inventory Issues

    Hi guys, lately I noticed I have some troubles organizing the stuffs in my backpack : when I've a main weapon, and I pick up another one I find by the way, it's like the weapon I've found replaces the one I still have, but the one I had disappears ( I don't even see it on the ground anymore ) and it doesn't get into the backpack, where I wanted it to be. Have you ever had a problem like this? At this point I wonder if it's possible to pick up more than 1 weapon and put it in the backpack. Perhaps it is a bug? Thanks ;)
  13. Absmoke

    Vehicles ingame

    Hi everybody! Where is it possible to find vehicles, and when I find them should I do something to start them? moreover, it is possible to literally BUILD a vehicle or just repair it?
  14. Absmoke

    How to choose a good server?

    What does "whitelisted" mean??
  15. Absmoke

    How to choose a good server?

    True, I found a server which restarts every 4 hours, not bad ;)