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About LeNger

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    On the Coast
  1. LeNger

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Spawned 25km away from the nw of the map ;( please reset my position to somewhere between Kabanino and Stary sobor! Name: Mewew ID: 15767974 Thanks!
  2. LeNger

    RU 9 dead reset..

    burghUK - Wouldn't you be pissed if 10 hours of work vanished within 30 seconds? Oh and unlike some of you trashcan collectors, people organize their camps and groups. There is quite a big difference. AtR - Look at the date of the 1.7.5 release. 5 days have passed. Do some research before posting and avoid the embarrassing statements; Rocket states on twitter the Hive got DDoSed.
  3. Yes BUT add a delay before triggering the effect. That way you can't scan your area and just run through!
  4. LeNger

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    I haven't found any types of vehicles at Green Mount. Been there on multiple servers... :< Btw add this to the list: 2 ATVs spawn on Klen (NW of Berezino) 100% sure.
  5. Hey forum! I have discovered yesterday that the NORMAL Stanag 30 Rnd. mags are only usable in the non- SD weapons, though the SD Stanag 30 Rnd. mags are usable in both, SD and non-SD M4A1. It sounds kinda weird to me that there are 2 different kind of clips for SD and non-SD weapons. After all, the silencer is just an attachment and doesn't really depend on the ammo, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, otherwise I'd like to see some changes :) LeNger