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About kronseca

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    On the Coast
  1. kronseca

    Banding together

    Those are some sweet ideas That was kind of my Idea behind the team building system so that the larger structure or area would "recognize" that enough players are present and wanting to work towards the common goal also i like the idea about not spawning items in a "controlled" area so people don't just "farm" the best spawning locations. I think that if enough people are grouped that they should be able to, (with the right resources of course) lock down whole areas of small houses again nothing in the area would spawn giving it that "cleaned out" feeling of people have completely taken all the resources out of the area, with larger areas requiring a substantial amount of people to fortify and hold on to, also though i think giving the players the ability to set "rules" for their building or encampment like only allowing certain people to carry weapons or no one at all to carry that way people can hold onto what they have built and if bandits want to take the town or building they would have to do it from the outside or get a man with weapons privileges on the inside to help or some other way to take what they have again I think this would all play well to the "bandit" V "innocent" feel that is currently present in DayZ and really all zombie survival but this would make it more personal, devising a plan to storm the fortified area becomes a task all in it's own with risks and reward. All the ideas about the hospital gear and things like that are sweet they would work well in this system i think the game could use some stability but only if the people playing want it to, they are not mandated to playing in this way but giving them more ways to survive easier ways and always having somewhere safe to rest, but if you feel like being alone you can do that too. I think the addition of underground bunkers would be nice but making them hard to find and making them hard to fortify too is essential or everyone will just go underground me, i like the sun lol but also you would have to venture out for supplies when food and water runs low unless you have some irrigation from some inland river or creek, which would take time and resources to build and maybe hunting local game with the bow and arrow cross bow or silenced weapon, (but not limited too) in order to get food without alerting any potential treats in the are with some game being dangerous and carcasses in the area could bring more game or zombies.
  2. kronseca

    Banding together

    I think that maybe something cool to include in the game would be the ability to band together and fortify a set area to make it safe assign watches "repair" buildings making them "livable" so people can store goods in a safe place and have a place to build vehicles and such. This would be really cool plus add to that "End of the World" feel needing people's help to survive and build towards a common goal, I was watching the walking dead last night and a man was walking on the road begging for help but they ignored him and i thought to myself what are you surviving for? To what end? Is it to just be alive or perhaps restart civilization? That is something that I think is to the core of survival. Maybe add a party system that ranks people re building the town or fortifying the castle as "founders" and only a vote between the leaders will allow entrance of new comers and maybe allowing the founders to set rules for their camps such as weapons are stored at the entrance and automatically re acquired when you leave or people are allowed to just do as they please shoot each other steal things, though evil or un favorable acts wouldn't go without some sort of negative or positive effect. I really think something like this will encourage more partying up and surviving together in the end of the world. You could also have bandit camps too for those who would live like outlaws at the end of the world and a raiding type aspect if people are in need of resources and decide to either band together or fight it out maybe also add some kind of construction type interaction with players to say build a system to transport fresh water to the camp get electricity going again. Things like that. Hope to see some of these ideas come to fruition. I LOVE DAYz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!