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About GoonieZ

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Wow, banditkilla92 I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately most do not understand that we are already in type of a zombie apocalypse. All I see in these negative responses to your post are attempts to eat your brains. Sadly these zombies think they are people and still do all the normal stuff: eat, drink, work, and post on forums. They have been brain damaged by food additives, flouride and big pharma and have little or no imagination or ability to think for themselves. Just remember the old Chinese proverb : "BEWARE WHEN FIGHTING A DRAGON THAT YOU DO NOT BECOME ONE!" meaning don't let this game turn you into a zombie and/or a bandit.
  2. I had a similar issue and could not find any fixes. All other games were fine. I verified my Arma files through Steam, redownloaded Day Z blah blah.....I ended up reformating my computer as a last ditch measure and THAT fixed it. By the time I got DayZ running again my heli was gone lol.
  3. Hey 31 here. Experienced and can handle most situations without screaming like a little girl. MOST. I have played in a few serious groups, and am comforatable with all weapon types. Pm me.