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About Goldarv

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Goldarv

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Brown nosers destroy a game quicker then the cry babies. I personally wish I could get my money back at this rate of development seeing how several other games are showing way more promise. Rust already is a better game in its crap state, and I prefer the dayz mod over the standalone by far atm. There are games like Survive the Nights and Miscreated who have a smaller crew and far less development time then this game and are leagues ahead of this sad excuse of a game. I had high hopes but I guess when you have right at 2.4 million sales, and you have made around 71 million I guess you can jerk off as long as you want and still have the idiots that say "Take your time" and "don't rush it" and the best sum up "We like walking simulators".