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Everything posted by Sputter

  1. I have found numerous m4 mags in 10-30rd sizes plus a lot of other ammo, however I have found very few 45 ammo and only 1 15rd mag so far.
  2. defib looks like it will be a better version of the epi pen to revive those unconscious, but you can use the defib more than once given you have the battery for it.
  3. Sputter

    Dear Devs, Will we see more optimization?

    Thats sounds kinda odd to me because I feel this is more optimized compared to the mod/arma2 has ever been. Feels very smooth for the most part so far.
  4. Sputter

    Night time way too dark

    I live in a very rural area with no street lights and at best garage lights and I'm sorry to say its not dark. Even with complete cloud cover you adjust and its not hard to navigate. When I was a teen we would play flash light tag and there was rather densely wooded areas that I had no problem going through even though I had no lights and it was completely dark out.
  5. If you eat enough food/water and get to the full stomach stage apparently you start to regen blood. So best bet is to eat a lot and you should be ok solo.
  6. Sputter


    So if a zed apocalypse happened everyone would just run out of thier houses and not grab anything and say: YOLO!.
  7. Sputter

    Dang it Jim, I'm a Doctor!

    But thats a good idea for cloths. Have medic/doctor attire.
  8. Sputter

    RULE 1- Don't get attached to your gear

    No.4 Never run with a flare in your hand along the coast.
  9. Sputter

    RULE 1- Don't get attached to your gear

    I get bored once i'm fully geared and tend to try and die... exploring and gearing up is more fun
  10. Sputter

    Guns too Over powered at moment !

    If guns are OP... which they should be then melee is UP. I killed a guy with an axe and it took about 8+ hits with an axe to the back/head lol. You ask any firearms instructor and they will tell you the same thing. It doesn't matter if its a 9mm or 45acp, two in the chest and 1 in the head does the same thing with either.
  11. hope they add the SKS/ak74/47 next since those are common in that area and pretty nice. Also looking forward to what kind of attachs that will add for those guns.
  12. Sputter

    every server is dark

    I like the night myself but wish there were more types of lighting options like how we had flares/chems ( great to bait people with sometimes). Also at around 1pm EST the servers I played were all dark. At around 3-4am EST the servers were getting light so I can see this being a problem because most players will only be able to play at night and thats not fun to only play it at night instead of a mix. Maybe have a 6hr or such night/day cycle so you get people get to experience both.
  13. Sputter

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    I think I know why. Some foods actually add to hydration according to a post on another topic. So its possible that little bit of hydration added from foods like sardines was all you needed to be not thirsty.
  14. Sputter

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    Anyone know how to refill water bottles/ canteens?. I been to lake/ponds and wells/fountains like in the mod but can't seem to get an option to refill water.
  15. Sputter

    What guns do you want to see?

    RPK,PKM and pretty much any russian AK weapon. But it would be nice to see a lot of say pistol/shotguns variants near civy areas as some good starter weapons cause they are common and easy to get.
  16. Sputter

    Temporary solution to lack of HUD info

    I'm happy with this. Should allow players to have a better understanding of how hungry/thirsty they really are now. :)
  17. Sputter

    Nighttime and metagaming

    The main problem I see with nighttime atm is there are not enough to counter it except a poorly working flashlight. If there were chem lights,flares, or even a head lamp things would be a bit better. Also atm the US servers all seem nightime even though it is 1pm EST so.. these servers are not setup for US players because the times are way off.
  18. Sputter

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    Looks like most have already been listed. I'd like to see more small arms like pistols to be semi common or other civy weapons. But overall I'd say this game runs really smooth than arma2 has ever run for the mod and haven't seen any bad artifacting yet.
  19. Sputter

    Time Cycle

    Well I'm am on a US server that is now daytime. Its 3am EST here and that server was dark like 1hr ago. So its anyone's guess on what time the servers are set for atm.
  20. Sputter

    You feel thirsty... FFFFFFF

    At this rate people won't be killing each other for better gear, but for food and water because you need to eat like a powerlifter on creatine. Eating 4kcal+ a day and no less than 1 gallon of water.
  21. Sputter

    We need bookmarks.

    Thats called dedication. Why complain about being unconscious and rage when you can read a book until its over :)
  22. Sputter

    My first thoughts.

    My main thing I'd like atm is more zeds. I see them in towns but they just stand there and honestly they are easy to avoid so its like they aren't in game atm. So atm I'm just exploring the map and looking at all the new buildings and trying to figure out the new loot/crafting.
  23. Sputter

    First Player Encounter in DayZ

    1st encounter was in cherno after a new spawn. I had nothing and ran past a guy who then tried to get me to come to him. Well I ran away and he chased me through cherno with a knife! until I jumped into the water and swam to safely :)
  24. Yep got to agree with ya there. Though I wish the ak47/74 were added first vs the ar15 since it feels more real for that area. Though hopefully those extra unrealistic items would be a bit more rare and then It would feel more real that some seem to want.
  25. Well heres to hoping that whenever it is released it will be optimized enough to play. Would be a let down if most people were getting 10-20 fps once it gets released.