HnH DayZ Epoch Chernarus Server started on 12.01.1014 Visit us on Friendly and active Admins, meet them on our TS3 Server your private Room on our TS ServerLottery every WeekMany Events with great Prices - suggest us your Event IdeaCustom Barracks and Bases - Kamenka - Vybor - NWAF - Cherno - Polana - Pobeda Dam - etcIndestructible Base buildingAI Missions with much loot Missions with different loot, Building parts, medical, military etcAuto Refuel, Auto Repair and Refuel of Car/Heli Ammunition at Fuel Stations for GoldA new Village on Skalisty IslandNo Plot Pole needed to buildSnap to buildSafe Zone at TradersShop for Donation Packages (in progress)Restart every 3 Hours - No LagsMore Castles, they are free to build BasesLift/TowSelf BloodbagSpecial offer for the Start till 26.1.2014If you join the server as a group or clan of 5 or more players, we will give you your own channel on our TS, and also, a Clan Fortification Kit. This kit will allow you to build the perfect base to operate from. The Kit contains : 1 x 30Meter Plot Pole (needed to keep things safe) 2 x Block Garage Doorway ( + Poles & Tank Traps to upgrade) 2 x Combination Locks 10 x Cinder Block Wall Kits 40 x Cinder Blocks 10 x Buckets of Mortar 10 x Metal Floor Kits 2 x Safes (to keep your beans from being eaten) and finally a choice of a PINK SUV or a URAL Truck And much more Visit us and have fun