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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. so you hear about the barracks having the best stuff... go there... dont check the barracks... and are disappointed that you didn't find the best stuff? are you insane?
  2. ryansongy@hotmail.com

    sawn off

    hacksaws are made for going through metal o.O albeit slowly.
  3. i do like the idea of different classes of zombies, it keeps players on their toes. this could be a good start.
  4. You guys need to film one of these trades, youtube that shit. Would be so awesome.
  5. Off topic but aren't crashed helos supposed to change their position every server reset? More on topic I recently acquired a bizon SD with 5 mags from a downed chopper, very nice gun I suggest someone trade for it.
  6. Actually the other night I picked up a bizon SD with five mags from one of the choppers with the static muzzle flash on it. There were also crappy medical supplies and an M14 AIM. The loot was just on the ground around the chopper.
  8. This simply will not do, especially with the god damned log off and be starved/dehydrated when you decide to log back in. Went around several houses/barns and even a supermarket tonight and all I found was cans and a few tools. Only reason I'm alive is because of a few rabbits and a chicken I found. Still down to 5400 blood from 11000 because of bugged starvation.
  9. Agree'd. And this whole logging in with blinking hunger and thirst should be addressed too.
  10. [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom) It seems the thread I made a couple weeks ago announcing that I'd started working on a TOZ-34 double-barreled shotgun specifically for this game was deleted (and ignored?) Perhaps in a forum wipe or something. The thread was called "More Russian Guns!" I had sent a few e-mails to the guys a while back though, no response. I've been wanting to contribute to this mod for around a month now. Anyways I was just putting the finishing touches on the weapon. Heres a screenshot of what my gun would look like in-game... I had many other ideas for guns that could add more authenticity to chernorus. I guess I'll start on one of those and see if I can beat this 'artyom' to the punch.
  11. It seems arma 2 doesn't use different models for first and third person. All the better since you can look around everywhere (and hence see every part of the gun) in first person using alt.
  12. Yeah the only times I've died lately were to god damned hackers killing everyone on the server at once. Game is nigh unplayable like this.
  13. YES but it wont do anything by itself. It might stop stupid PvP in cities but honestly I've only been killed once by a makarov. What needs to happen is that >AMMO AND FOOD/WATER SPAWNS MUST BE LESSENED AS WELL<. What would solve kill on sight issues is putting more emphasis on survival and less emphasis on random, bored PvP. Make it hard to survive in PvE and maybe people will care less about killing each other and care more about taking care of themselves.
  14. MAYBE What would be better is the opposite: a sound for high humanity players. If someone's worked for high humanity I know they aren't going to shoot me.
  15. This is the only issue I see. Your humanity should NOT be affected if you kill a very low humanity player. That wouldn't make sense. It wont have the same shortcomings as the bandit skins because it will be more subtle. You'll only hear the heartbeat from far away if your humanity is VERY low. Say 5 kills+. I think it's VERY important that the heartbeat sounds out if you spot someone with low humanity using binoculars or through a scope or even holding breath zoomed.
  16. YES But humanity should persist after death. Someone doesn't die and immediately become a better person.
  17. That is a horribly incorrect strawman of an analogy. Being a loner should still be an option but in any case teamwork SHOULD always prevail. The core of promoting the teamwork playstyle anyways is to keep people from just shooting eachother on sight anyways, which like i've said rocket doesn't want to happen. And its not fair for stack either because how is he going to eat a piece of candy with a broken jaw?
  18. The issue is that it's far far too easy to survive. Ammo spawns should be made rare and guns rarer. Especially military weapons. Vehicles should be more common but require more teamwork to get running. For instance two people to push and one person to jumpstart the car because the battery is dead. After it's made harder to survive more things like the teamwork required to use bloodbags is necessary. More things that require the aid of another player. Enough things so that if you see another player you're glad to see them instead of apprehensive and ready to shoot. Perhaps locked doors that require two people bashing on it at once to break it open and get loot that would be otherwise hard to come by in this new harder-to-survive world. Rocket has already been quoted in saying he doesn't like the fact that people shoot on sight with no consequences. He wants to encourage teamwork. The change is coming.
  19. Some kind of consequences need to be added for killing, or people need to at least be dissuaded from killing straight on sight. There needs to be a trade-off. The decision to kill a player needs to be a heavier decision than it is right now. Right now the choice to kill someone is an extremely easy choice to make, because there are literally zero consequences. You need to have to actively choose to kill someone, not just shoot everyone you or your group meets. Im glad rocket for the most part agrees with me there.
  20. Something has to change, pretty much everyone is kill on sight now as there no reason NOT to kill everyone on sight. In real life there are moral and ethical consequences to killing someone, zombie apocalypse or not. These consequences cannot be modeled in any video game as, after all, it is just a video game. Therefore consequences HAVE to be modeled in some other fashion in order for rocket's 'social experiment' to be valid at all.
  21. ryansongy@hotmail.com

    DayZ Stories

    Tonight everyone but me in my group was killed in an altercation at the NEAirfield involving some douchebag server hopper. It happened in the air control tower. I go up to the top and it turns out the server hopper had a friend in the form of a sniper. He misses thankfully and I hit the floor. I eventually play a game of cat and mouse with him that spans the whole airfield. A lot of people in side chat were talking about the shooting in NEA and my KIA friends weren't exactly silent about being killed there. Some noob named {FUN}Fuzz or something like that was even asking if we would shoot him if he came into the airfield for guns since he only had a makarov. I think he's gone and I go to farm the hangars and air control tower. I'm in the tower and close the doors behind and check everything there. I go to leave and as soon as I open the doors I'm shot, bleeding, have zombies on me from my return fire. I manage to bandage and kill the zombies assailing me but I'm stuck in the front hallway of the air control tower. Couldn't get the right angle to close the door, couldn't go up the stairs or out of the control tower because the sniper is guarding it. So I end up waiting in there for 20-30 minutes for my friends to arrive and flank him. A lot of talking and not so much shooting in that 20-30 minutes. From my friends, from someone watching the fight from a hidden spot, even from this noob that for some reason is hanging around. I remember that this server has nameplates enabled. I scroll over about where the guy is and low and behold {FUN}Fuzz the 'noob' thats been 'running around with a makarov'. He's been here for over an hour now trying to kill me so I tell my friends who are in berezhino to approach the airfield from the southeast to flank this guy and flush him out. The guy I mentioned earlier notices my friend's approach and announces it to the whole damned server as well as in the same five minutes telling everyone that nameplates are enabled. After {FUN}Fuzz finds out that nameplates are enabled these are the next things i see in chat: {FUN}Fuzz: "Nameplates are enabled?" {FUN}Fuzz: "interesting" {FUN}Fuzz has disconnected. Laughed so hard when he disconnected but was really disappointed my friends didn't have the chance to flank him and take his lying ass out. Sooner than later you wont be able to rely on your server hopping bullshit Fuzz. Remember that I was the one that survived that night without disconnecting or any crap like that.