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About KidTwist

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KidTwist

    Tell me your best kill...

    I hadn't been playing long, but had found a couple good items, a ghilie I wasn't wearing and a grenade. I had a G17 with a couple shots left and a Dbl Barrel with no ammo. I heard in side chat about a group of bandits rolling around in a big truck killing everyone and figured I'd just steer clear of them as much as possible. I needed ammo or different guns so I ran into the fire station at the power plant in Elektro. I figured it was out of town enough and close to woods to back out and hide if need be. I was up in the top, nothing but arrows and makarov ammo as far as weapons, and I heard the sound of a Ural and some talking over direct. I ran down to the bottom and went out the front doors, but they were already pulling up, and now they saw me. I ran back inside and clicked the doors closed, then ran out the back door, crawled under the fence, and headed straight for the woods to the east. They were taunting me to "come out from hiding you little pussy", so I equiped the ghilie and stayed at the edge of the woods by the gate where they parked their truck. Once the gave up on me, and piled back into their Ural, I lofted the grenade straight to them. Killed 4, KO'd 3. I used my last several rounds of G17 to finish the ones that didn't die (didn't know which ones were which, so they each got one in the head). Then I looted their crap and hid the bodies with the gear I couldn't carry. Other than that, my other favorite was an extremely lucky accident. I didn't mean to kill the guy, yet. He was in a ghilie suit, camped out on a hilltop near on of the small towns where a chopper crash was. He was sniping people looting the chopper. I had a Lee, and was fresh from the coast. I heard his shots and dropped down to find where they came from. He fired 2 more times and I found him, about 1200m or so away from where I was. I couldn't really tell which way he was facing and I wanted to sneak up behind him. I put my crosshairs on him and meant to hold the right mouse button to zoom, but I hit the left, and headshot him dead.