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doomed (DayZ)

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About doomed (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. doomed (DayZ)

    SIN=no survive

    Well you know that's a lie lotus but at this point I and we don't care. As for any illegal items, I have no idea what your talking about. Anything we found or had was looted from towns etc. Your only trying to cover your butt now. I wasn't even reffering to you andvyou might want want to check with your bffs because they all threw you under the bus yesterday before we caught them cheating. You guys can all believe what you want about them. I just came to give fair warning to you all.
  2. doomed (DayZ)

    SIN=no survive

    Our clan was recently ask by members of SIN to join their private server. After a week of being killed by their members and the loss of every camp or car every night after we logged along with being killed when touching hidden cars we set up a sting. Basicly SIN along with MEDIC clan use hacks to track and follow players and kill them off take there stuff etc. When we confronted them they admited it but kicked us so we couldn't warn others. Just a warning stay away from SIN private server unless you just want to be stalked and killed