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Jimmy McNulty

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Everything posted by Jimmy McNulty

  1. Jimmy McNulty

    More characters

    I think it would be cool if it was possible to have more than 1 character on a single PC.
  2. Jimmy McNulty

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    This is the worst nightmare I could have ever dreamed of.
  3. Jimmy McNulty

    2 CD keys

    step 1: Make second steam accout step 2: Buy arma 2 combined op step 3: Get six launcher step 4: Each time you want to play as the second character, just launch the game on steam, before you launch six launcher. Like: you wanna play as the char you have on your first steam acc, launch the game then exit, then launch six launcher...and you'll play as him. When you'll want to play as the second character, launch your second steam account, launch the game, exit the game, launch six launcher and you'll play as him. It works :) EDIT: Maybe it works without six launcher....dunno. I use six launcher and it works for me.
  4. Jimmy McNulty

    Opening crashed helicopters

    Well..thats a shame.
  5. Jimmy McNulty

    Opening crashed helicopters

    Not really, It can be opened. There was a thread and a video about it, a lot of people were able to open it. EDIT: as far as I know..
  6. Jimmy McNulty

    Beginner question

    Naw man, that video has to be pretty old.
  7. Jimmy McNulty


    cya mate
  8. Jimmy McNulty

    Servers need to be regulated

    lol, just use filter. Minimum like 30 players, max ping 100...and you will find a server no problem. I never really had any problem with servers.
  9. Jimmy McNulty


  10. Jimmy McNulty

    Background color, text color

    Would it be possible to actually change these things? Sure, the forum looks amazing now, but my eyes kinda hurt from it. Dunno why, maybe I'm the only one, but maybe not.
  11. Jimmy McNulty

    Background color, text color

    Thanks for being friendly. No, I dont need a foam helmet. I have some kind of eye disorder. Cant explain it tho, I'm not that good in english.
  12. Jimmy McNulty

    Make it harder, less loot

    I dont agree. Trying to find these weapons is what keeps me playing the most.
  13. Jimmy McNulty

    A85 with INFRED

    It was probably removed from the game.
  14. Jimmy McNulty


    Gear....people who care about their shit so damn much still amaze me.
  15. Jimmy McNulty

    Day Z is insulting to vegans (and animals)

    Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet -Clay Davis
  16. Well, I kinda like it..but If I had a new character with nothing at all I'd be pissed.
  17. I've seen a video about it on youtube, I was like wow! Then I installed it and...same. That was like 3 months ago.
  18. Jimmy McNulty

    "Rocket Said..." post resurrected *updated 8/8*

    links dont work
  19. hmmm..opinions? Waiting for character to create...
  20. Jimmy McNulty

    Would You?

    you are fucking sick :D
  21. Jimmy McNulty

    PVP is Out of Control.

    I still remember the good old days when people didnt kill themselves for no reason..good times...."you had an advantage and you didnt use it?" Fuck these people.