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Jimmy McNulty

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Everything posted by Jimmy McNulty

  1. Jimmy McNulty

    Gangsta ride #2

    shiiiiiiiiiiiiiet negro!
  2. Jimmy McNulty

    L85A2 AWS

    I got this gun from a player, he also had BAF AS50 in his backpack. I guess L85A2 AWS isnt legit, is it? L85A2 RIS CWS is...
  3. Jimmy McNulty

    L85A2 AWS

    Well I hope it wont dissapear...its pretty good
  4. Jimmy McNulty

    L85A2 AWS

  5. Jimmy McNulty


    I checked so many farms but I cant find this gun anywhere since 1.7.1...Am I the only one?
  6. reminds the 'The wire'....great series :D
  7. Jimmy McNulty

    Lovers' tiff

    My meat actually turned into AK mags.
  8. Jimmy McNulty


    I spawned here AGAIN. I remember I got out of here on some 1.7 server..where I was able to see myself on the map. Does anyone know a server like that? Or at least some 1.7 server where is night now..
  9. Jimmy McNulty


    yeah I did.
  10. Jimmy McNulty


    Im back on the map...I spent 6 hours and 36 minutes just running forward and trying to find out what direction im running...IT WAS FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!
  11. Jimmy McNulty


    now its sunrise on the server..so I guess if I'll be heading to sun, I'll go east right? ....its like 5:30 I have a GPS..and my location is 810895...any suggestions?
  12. Jimmy McNulty


    Im running about 2 hours now :(
  13. Jimmy McNulty

    Insane lag on all servers?

    I actually spawned in wilderness :/
  14. and spawned with 6 AK mags instead..Not kidding. I'm not happy that my meat transformed into AK mags, because now I'm out of meat :(
  15. Jimmy McNulty

    I disconnected with 6 pieces of meat...

    Dunno...I had 2 AK mags before I logged off.
  16. And I love it. I thought im gonna hate it but I was wrong. Its intense...and not hard at all. I spawned in Elektro, ran into the fire station with 1 zombie chasin my ass, couldnt get upstairs because some jerk put a wire inside, I've lost 2k of blood because of the zombie..then I ran into the store, found makarov+4 mags, shitload of food and water, a crowbar...then went to the hospital for some blood packs, checked the second fire station..and got killed by a guy with M16 or something. Then I spawned in cherno, and I found a dead body with a gun and suplies in a first house I came into. Maybe I'm just lucky, but the game seems to easier when you spawn now since zombies stop chasing you when you get to a building..and the whole coast is a graveyard + spawn rates seem to be bigger...supplies..supplies everywhere..
  17. Jimmy McNulty

    2 Accounts

    Sup, my brother would love to play dayZ too, but I dont wanna let him to use my character of course...I have arma combined operations on my steam account, if he's gonna buy arma on his account, will he be able to create a new char or its based on IP or something?
  18. Jimmy McNulty

    Best item/vehicle you've fount?

    Lucker, I dream every night about that gun
  19. Jimmy McNulty

    Most bandits are posers

    Whoa, I actually said im not a bandit, I dont even have a barret, I just wanted to see people's reactions on it.
  20. Jimmy McNulty

    Your garages:

    We had that sickass white car you know about, I fucked it up yesterday :/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17393
  21. Jimmy McNulty

    Freeside trading co.

    Maybe it will live, maybe it wont. There's a lot of bandits, many organized groups. I'd just like to know how would you defend it from heavy sniper rifles +1km range or helicopters with heavy machineguns. I didnt mean it seriously tho, Im not even a bandit, I wanted to see people's reactions.
  22. Jimmy McNulty

    Gangsta ride

    We dont own the car no more... I crashed it :(
  23. Jimmy McNulty

    Gangsta ride

    I'm black and I'm gonna steal your bike BOI
  24. Jimmy McNulty

    Freeside Trading Co.

    BAF AS50, no offense