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Everything posted by Fonziе

  1. Fonziе

    Military Offroad?

    Haha, no idea at all. I usually drive at full speed there, but this time we had more people onboard so I decided to slow down for safety's sake. Wrong move, I come in at 10 kph and suddenly the car jumps up in the air and lands upside down. We tried to blow it up for shits and giggles, didn't succeed and next restart fixed it back to working condition. Had nice airfield raids and stuff before it was removed.
  2. Fonziе

    Military Offroad?

    My favourite car. Then this happened lol.
  3. What happens if I have one in my backpack, go to Green Mountain and kill 60 zombies?
  4. Fonziе

    F*** 50's

    I don't even want to imagine how much damage would a 50 cal shot do.
  5. Fonziе

    Exploring outside the map(Video)

    There is a river (kind of) above Guba in the NE corner that goes off-map. I once followed it in the armory with an aeroplane, and found sea again, with lakes and islands like 50 kilometres north of the edge. All textureless of course, but was nice.
  6. Fonziе

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Dem mad zombie slaying skills. 75 kills, 76 headshots.
  7. Fonziе

    Chopper Help

    A server restart will refill them nicely. If you are on, said restart will also take it back to Skalisty.
  8. Fonziе

    AS50 ammo vs M107 ammo

    M107: 37552 dmg AS50: 174205 dmg
  9. God the flying bit was disgraceful lol.
  10. Yes. Just like the custom sounds.
  11. Fonziе

    The Jamie Hyneman zombie

    He hit me twice and dealt zero damage. I am unimpressed.
  12. Fonziе

    Chopper For Trade

    We have had choppers on Bohemia's "official" servers, and they've all vanished. Random DE ones too . Guess it's just luck
  13. Fonziе

    Missing Chopper.....

    We've lost like three choppers to this too. Is there any point in trying to get one? Or do we have to downgrade to If I recall right, we even lost some back then too.
  14. Fonziе

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on Steam.
  15. Fonziе

    How to enter fliped car.

    A server restart will unflip it.
  16. Fonziе

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    Do you have every vehicle already?
  17. Fonziе

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still north of Mogilevka.
  18. Fonziе

    Soldier Camo(Suit)

    Technically, the SUV could be legit if it was like three months old. It was in the game in earlier patches.
  19. Fonziе

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Near Mogilevka at the moment, add me on Steam if you're anywhere near.
  20. Seems legit. No, really.
  21. Fonziе


    Beans for 49 consecutive posts. Impressive, I might say.
  22. You do know that you can drop your weapons and your backpack and have a zombie face? I see epicness in this.
  23. Let me get this right, friendly Finns? Thought we were all about deathmatching.
  24. No idea if they're legit or hacked, but we found two in a random tent up north.