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Everything posted by Fonziе

  1. I'll drop in some time. Guess I'll be living in San Arulco the whole time, then? :P
  2. Fonziе

    Radio ?

    Really? I decided to kill a few zeds on Green Mountain after reading lots of rumours about GM zombies having them. I killed 80 and found not a single radio. I kind of gave up and presumed it's hacked in. I did have a radio earlier but lost it when I disconnected too early.
  3. Fonziе

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Dem sideburns lol. Pic from a while back (when cars still worked...), I unloaded an enemy camp into my Ural, planning to go to Cherno and Elektro and give out as many guns as possible. The server was almost empty though so I decided to do it the next day. I join the server, no Ural. :(
  4. Fonziе

    Military Cache

    Am I the only one who has seen the jets fly above Chernarus? You usually see them when you're messing around, aiming at the sky while saluting and looking retarded. Back to the planes, why won't they land at the NW airfield and evacuate us all? WHY ARE THEY JUST FLYING ABOVE US?!?
  5. Amnesia's sound folders. Got some pretty bad ass ones there. I haven't tried them on a single person, but played the monster growl in side chat and at least one guy freaked out.
  6. Fonziе

    Maby a Chatbox?

    Mentioned already, but also known as Internet Relay Chat...
  7. Fonziе

    How to un-flip an offroad?

    Next restart it will be back.
  8. Fonziе

    Post your highest kill count

    Murders - 3 Bandits killed - 1 In about 600 hours.
  9. Has anyone mentioned how dumb a move it was to trade in Elektro?
  10. Fonziе

    Suomalainen Bandit Ryhmä

    Bandit homot vittuun :( älkää vihatko
  11. Fonziе

    I guess I am a dick...

    Disregard this, I suck cocks.
  12. Fonziе

    [Trade] Offering a Radio.

    Haha, I had a radio but I died bizzarely and went back to my body to get the stuff and then disconnected too soon and lost all the stuff I took. I decided to drop down to Green Mountain because of the rumours that GM zombies drop them. 80 zombies later, not one radio. Want an M107? :p
  13. Fonziе

    riddle lingor island

    It's in the map, Lingor.
  14. Fonziе

    How to make a private hive?

    Lol @ people being "OMFG private hive goodbye, gl&hf" now that there's even a specified section for all private hive related stuff.
  15. Fonziе

    Why is a high ping so BAD?

    You know that's a second? It sure is a big problem.
  16. If I get the loading screen with the DayZ logo it'll fairly often result in a crash (800 fps when done, woop woop).
  17. Fonziе

    Kills at Cherno and Elektro - Sniper AS50 !

    Lol. You're using the scroll wheel to check the distance and you can't even hit anything.
  18. Fonziе

    Vehicles gone after server restart

    I guess you're new here?
  19. Fonziе

    A thought on doors

    Because punching through doors is realistic.
  20. MoH:AA, CoD 1 & UO, BF1942, BFV, CoD 2, CS:S, BF2, DoD:S, CoD 4 on Xbox Tried to put them in some kind of chronological order. Multiple other games too, but those I've played most online.
  21. Should have followed him more :(
  22. Some can't be accessed at all.
  23. Fonziе

    Real Dayz locations xD

    I was checking this in Google Maps a few days ago and thought how awesome would it be to land a Huey on top of the International Hotel in Cherno and start sniping unarmed people. Nah, not cool at all.