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Everything posted by Fonziе

  1. Fonziе

    Microphone Audio Levels

    VON has no impact on direct comms, so disable it if you don't want to hear people spamming side chat. That's if you're playing on servers with side chat enabled.
  2. Fonziе

    Steam Launch Error

    Are they going to fix this at some point? Apparently I can use DayZ Commander to play, but I would still prefer using Steam.
  3. Fonziе

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Been waiting for Namalsk <3
  4. Fonziе

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    I never get real angry in DayZ for some reason. Now, FIFA's a different matter... it's a wonder both my controllers still work.
  5. Fonziе

    Game is not availible. SayWhut?

    Steam doesn't let me open ArmA 2: OA at all, so this isn't the mod's fault. Definitely something wrong at Steam's end.
  6. List of people surprised by this:
  7. I'm talking about mid-June to late August here. And by the way, these servers still had command channel enabled after side chat was removed so it was pretty cool, and not cool when they finally removed it.
  8. Interestingly enough, I spent most of my Chernarus playing time on those servers and never experienced a hacker. Started to lose interest and finally stopped playing when they removed the chat. Lots of good time was had <3
  9. Fonziе

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    UK_Mac, what the actual fuck? You're being a right tool. Collect the paycheck Vilayer sent you and do something cool with it, stop posting one-liners that aren't even arguing for your point.
  10. Fonziе

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    No way to suicide? Umm... how about the lighthouse like 200 metres away from the spawn?
  11. Fonziе

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Had a wonderful time the other day, got picked up as a fresh spawn by an Mi-8, then proceeded to fly around with our lovely pilot Greg for almost four hours, picking people up, parachuting over the airfield and looting. I even got to blow up a van with the machine gun!
  12. So tell me, how much do they pay you?
  13. Not to mention loot and zombies not spawning properly.
  14. Vilayer is releasing it? Oh wow. I guess it will be a buggy version that'll be never fixed. I'll stick to MrSherenai's one (and the empty servers...).
  15. Fonziе

    In The Begining When It Was All New And Exciting

    I fondly remember the days of crawling around and being actually scared of zombies. My first session of DayZ, night time and all. I run to Cherno and get on the road that goes to Nadezhdino when I hear this horrible scream behind me. I turn around and a zombie hits me. Not counting Amnesia, that was probably the scariest thing happen to me in a game. I'm afraid I'll never feel like that again in a game. The noob DayZ were just awesome.
  16. Fonziе

    Hunger Games

    You must be new to YouTube if you don't know the 301 thing. :rolleyes:
  17. I always keep civilian clothing in my backpack so I can don my hero skin when entering bigger towns down south. Usually I am equipped with a high-end weapon, so you should definitely feel bad if you do happen to shoot me
  18. You have loads of players waiting to be added... just saying. :b
  19. Most Panthera servers are quite empty at the moment. :F
  20. I heard he's got a pretty slow internet so it'll take a while.
  21. Bro, someone once shot a chopper down with a Makarov... I heard he's gonna upload it soon.
  22. Fonziе

    Nothing should be "forever"

    Batteries, weapon maintenance etc will be in the standalone.
  23. Fonziе

    How do I keep a chopper?

    We parked ours on top of the International Hotel and the next day it was gone. That was back in though when they lasted until the next restart.
  24. Fonziе

    suicide by satchel

    I'd love it if you could plant them on people and vehicles... suicide attack incoming.