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Everything posted by Fonziе

  1. Fonziе

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    It's probably not the dumbest way, but... I found three tents with multiple AS50s, Mk 48s, L85s, M107s, camo Dragunovs and loads of ammo for them. I didn't have a car at that particular moment, so I just ran around and managed to find a pickup truck. I loaded the stuff into the car and drove it off to our camp up north. We then decided to move the car back to somewhere near the tents I found because our camp had been discovered. So, imagine two dudes in ghillie suits, equipped with NVGs, GPS devices, having the rarest guns in the game with the car having those rare guns too. Now, imagine them hitting a tree, the car exploding and the ghillie dudes dying. We have bounced back pretty nicely though.
  2. Fonziе

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    It's certainly better quality than the one I posted, as people just kept adding stuff to it and saved it as a .jpg which of course fucks it up quite badly. Thanks.
  3. Fonziе

    Helicopter Crash Site Map

    A lot has been missed. http://oi49.tinypic.com/312ttfa.jpg
  4. Fonziе

    Debug Plains forever?

    I just ran 40 kilometres to get back to our tents. Very intense it was.
  5. Or just Takistan/Zargabad Life. Protip: 1. Spawn as civilian 2. Find soldiers/policemen 3. Yell at the Americans 4. ??? 5. Get restrained
  6. Fonziе

    Am I evil?

    ^ Who are you?
  7. Fonziе


    They are zombies.
  8. Fonziе

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    So lame. In every knockout stage match the wrong team won.
  9. Fonziе

    How to find a Vehicle?

    We have so far found 10 or so vehicles (four were in one place, we got attacked twice there so we had to leave them) only by scouring the northern and western edges of the map. I actually haven't found a single repairable car.
  10. I had that some time ago with an UAZ. I was a bit bemused as to why he didn't take the whole car, because it was fully operational and had enough fuel. Some days later, it was gone. The strangest thing is that the massive Ural, which was about 300m away from it, never got touched.
  11. Fonziе

    Helicopter crash sites

    http://oi49.tinypic.com/312ttfa.jpg Added one SE of Petrovka. Would it be worthwhile popping up in the marked places with an Ural and looting the shit out of them?
  12. How does this not have more posts?
  13. Fonziе

    Have you seen these people?

    You'd still have the last clip in your gun, wouldn't you?
  14. Fonziе

    Way points ?

    Yeah, they are personal. And pretty useful. I hope they won't be removed.
  15. Fonziе

    Russian mafia pew pew

    Murders: 127 Bandits Killed: 6 ...
  16. Fonziе

    Female character is extremely SLOW.

    The better your FPS, the faster you run. How do your and your friend's frames per second compare?
  17. Still finding tents with stuff in them in Not a problem though, managed to loot some nice stuff.
  18. Fonziе

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Quote from the new beta patch changelog. Not directly connected to the patch but will this be used in some way?
  19. Fonziе

    Where are all the weapons?

    Where are all the weapons? I found three pistols in a store (two maps also), two rifles in a barn and at least a pistol in an office building in the 20 odd minutes I played.
  20. Most of the best realistic games come from the East, the likes of IL-2, Men of War and OFP/ArmA.
  21. Fonziе

    You know your addicted when......

    Not DayZ related, but I remember some years ago when I played Crysis, I used to check stuff out with my binoculars. One day I was walking home and saw some strange looking people and pressing B immediately sprung to my mind.