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Everything posted by josh@IIII

  1. Something I would really like to see is an small scale alternate to tents. In particular, I think it would be very useful to be able to store backpacks in the wilderness.. say, the ability rope your backpack to a particular tree or half bury & hide it with your E-tool, which would allow careful players to preserve small amounts of gear in a semi-permanent state and without having to rely on a tent. Because, really, managing a camp sucks. Sure, they would be harder to find, but I'm sure they would be used more often. I guess I would try to limit the ability by requiring some special supplies to keep your gear from weathering/degrading, and a e-tool or rope to unlock the action. I really haven't put a ton of thought into the concept, but as of now I feel that camps suck because they're bulky, very hard to keep up, and honestly feel like they require a permanent commitment. I really like the concept of earning the ability to keep some basic supplies around, but not having to become attached to hoarding.