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Everything posted by Pokerguy12

  1. Pokerguy12

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    I like KOS and i do it often. It is not a problem to me buu it seems so for a large majority
  2. Pokerguy12

    What do you do when Zombies attack?

    ..............I make out with the female zombies
  3. Pokerguy12

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    "Killing assholes". added orlok why no vote
  4. I remember battlelog days where we could have a guy quoting 10 other guys before him and every quote is shown in his comment. In all seriousness dude, the founder himself says the game is flawed at the foundational level how can it be a perfect game for you?
  5. "....I feel like Dayz Is a fundamentally flawed concept...." Quote from pacific_hall quote from Dean Hall
  6. When you have explored every inch of the map and in the process think about how the map is unchanging, every tree and rock will stay in the same spot until the end of time, every supermarket and firestation will always be static with individual loot spawns, every position where a zombie and player can spawn in the plane of space has been predetermined. You will not feel like this game is to be explored anymore, minecraft on the other hand where the the world engine dynamically generates random terrain, that is a game for exploration.
  7. Pokerguy12

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    I wish i could offer a more insightful analysis and critical examination but at the moment we don't have enough information about the loot spawning mechanics and systems to start any indepth discussion about. I believe the server hopping problem is closely tied to loot spawning and the solution lies in the two being a single integrated system, other than that i say we wait for more information and see. In the meantime do not let this issue die down and become forgotten.
  8. Pokerguy12

    One Thing Needs To Be Addressed [ROADMAP]

    Reset player location according to the individual 'quadrants' rocket mentioned in the presentation is in my opinion the best and most workable practical solution, ever.
  9. Wait what about the physics integration, wasn't that supposed to be the next thing
  10. Pokerguy12

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    We could try sidechat again lol
  11. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    Fascinating, where are the images from? In the last slide titles advanced social mechanics, i think the walkie talkie idea could in well.
  12. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    Some good points here, but we musnt stray from our current set of ideas into fort building simulator 2014. I would like to have a garden and such like a little home i can return to, but i dont think the idea you have implemented to that extent it would fit well within dayz because im of the opinion it does not really go with the theme of survival horror. What would be good though is a kind of base that you use as a refuge in the event of a zombie hoard roaming through the country or something like that.
  13. Pokerguy12

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    No we would not want to taint our master race with the filth peasant I sound like the Thalmor from Skyrim
  14. Pokerguy12

    Yo Mods..

    Who is this India dude spamming the forums
  15. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    Bread has been moved to suggestions...:(thank you everyone for the insightful input, I read it and can add it to op if u want
  16. I want a quick reload attachment
  17. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    Doesent matter though, as things are water just means places you can recharge your thirst meter.
  18. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    Certainly not an animation repeating itself for 10 minutes while you wait idly stuck the ground and spin on your heels looking around. But i do get the point you are trying to express, just that implementing it is the challenge every game faces. Some ideas would be like the lockpicking minigame in skyrim.
  19. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

  20. Pokerguy12

    Dayz in five words or less

    Just walked over a rock a few hours ago, went flying into the air and landed in the water. Came back to corpse and couldnt pick up any of my loot. Fully Geared...new 9mm pistol.
  21. Pokerguy12

    Dayz in five words or less

    Keep up the five words guys!
  22. Could we implement the encumberance system from arma 3 where you basically walk more slowly and tire faster when carrying more items in your inventory and protective gear like vests and helmets. While making the fastest movement speed for a naked character. Different clothes and bags have different weights. It would also deter loot hoarding. In the mod Ghillie suits were the most sought after items besides sniper rifles, adding them into the mod without any detrimental effects would severly unbalance the game. Why not add a penalty like, you cannot carry a bagpack or hats when wearing such suits, it does make sense after all with basis in reality. If I recall bags even disappeared from the character model in the mod making it even harder to detect a player. When I say heavy weapons I don't mean things like light machine guns because that would be unbalanced. I mean things like RPG's with scarce ammo, satchel charges, portable manned HMG turrets, mines. This could add some interesting balance when they finish vehicles.
  23. Pokerguy12

    Gathering Wooden Sticks From Trees?

    Well we can get berries from bushes, implementing sticks from trees seems rather effortless, hell i could probably do it in an hour if I worked at bi.
  24. Pokerguy12

    Dayz in five words or less

    Playground for manipulation and deception. join now. Starting this beta.