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Everything posted by Pokerguy12

  1. The end of stupid ideas like this
  2. Pokerguy12

    Are you ducking hitting me?

    First I get my legs smashed and then in walks the powder gangers grim fucking reaper..
  3. Pokerguy12

    The "Bandit Skin" from the Mod is back!

    Basically its a shoot on sight order towards anyone with a gun and a shemag like this. So we have the following headgear as an indication of who you are: Motorcycle helmet: Treat suspiciously, avoid Payday mask: Troll/griefer, avoid Shemag: Bandit, shoot on sight Ballistic helmet: May not be hostile, avoid and kill if player approaches Beret/boonie hat: Milsim roleplayer, shoot on sight Baseball cap: Not hostile, worth determining if player is friendly Gasmask: Airfield hopper, shoot on sight Burlap sack: Insane individual or possibly possessed by demons, look for priest at Elektro church to perform excorism
  4. Pokerguy12

    This a good rig?

    Yes go with the other build, But i personally prefer the i5 4670k cpu.
  5. Pokerguy12

    This a good rig?

    Nothing special this is pretty old gen stuff thats outdated but will still run games decently. Get it at a good price or don't.
  6. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Bump. Please let this be a reality in the new updates
  7. Pokerguy12

    Go to the forest of trees

    There is absolutely no incentive in the game attracting players to explore and survive in the forests while staying away from the coast, towns and airfields (bandits, zombies, other players). The geography of Chernarus plus is composed of more than 75% wilderness and isolated areas; forests, fields, clearings, creeks, dams, hills, power stations, radio towers, deerstands, crash sites. It seems such a waste of map design effort when 90% of players in a server are AT ALL TIMES concentrated along the coast or at the airfields. Have a look at some images for a fresh visual perspective: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ive had some ideas bubbling in my head how something like this would work: 1. Design loot for creating/constructing campsites in the wilderness. Create new camping gear that serves the functions their real life counterparts do. Sleeping bags, Camping chairs, Fireplaces, Tents, Floor lamps, Portable Radio, Fishing rods, camping tents for protecting you from the rain and NOT STORING LOOT. Let us fold or roll up the equipment and strap it to our backs then we can carry it around and set up a campsite where we like. 2. Place more loot spawn in forest/wilderness areas. Currently the only lootspawn for such places in the deerstand and the helicopter crash. Could we have abandoned shacks? bus stops along the roads that go deep into the mainland? underneath bridges? along power stations or ontop radio towers? Riverside fishing spots? Picking fruits and berries off trees? 3. Turning the radio/walkie-talkie into "very common" loot and encouraging its use, this brings players closer together by introducing a long range method of communication everyone has easy access to. It will be the first thing survivors acquire and actively pay attention to in the event of a real life apocalypse. This not only adds fun to the experience by meeting up with other survivors to help/kill them in the wilderness or tracking down a group by their radio transmissions as a bandit. Campsites will have visitors and can even function as makeshift survivor first-aid stations, a features sure to be popular among hero clans. Set up a free meal center in the woods for starving people. 4. Create another category of loot. "Wilderness". With newly designed loot spawn areas placed at remote wilderness locations, surviving in the wilderness is surely transform into a more feasible and exciting experience and playstyle. Wilderness loot spawns spawns equipment and gear needed for survival: knives for skinning meat, sleeping bags, tents, hunting weapons, fire starters, special waterproof clothes, lamps for night time, fishing/cooking equipment, bottles and drinks, first aid, battries, map of central charnarus, compass/watch, etc..... 5. LOTS AND LOTS MORE CRAFTING RECEPIES and more types of items. Dont really know what to say here, survival skills involve the handling of resources and items to be transformed into something that serves a purpose that it wouldn't normally be able to without a survivor's manipulation. Sorry bad english, not sure how to express this concept in words. Oh and animals, nests and sleeping grounds.
  8. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Lets make this a reality
  9. Pokerguy12

    Gas Stations

    Throw a grenade at a fuel pump, chemistry lesson in practice.
  10. Pokerguy12

    does anyone really fish?

    Fishing hooks spawn quite often for me at the captains bridge of the ship wreck
  11. Pokerguy12

    Spawned and my character is sitting next to me.

    This is the duplicate glitch, how clans gear up their members with minimum effort.
  12. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Bump. thanks for the comments guys
  13. Pokerguy12

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    I am for the most part skeptical about that, by definition if the core algorithms and underlying basic architecture is retained and ported over to a new engine at the most basic level the engine functions the same with the addition of the new coding and what not built upon it. I cannot saw how that affects general function of a new product so i cannot say it still retain the same problems and restrictions of RV but if the underlying structure and architecture that is being ported over and built upon is the cause of all the hindrances in RV then we might as well not give it a new name. But none of us are part of BI so we cant say for sure, I take it upon myself to first be skeptical and doubtful of anything that is released to the public media because any statements or claims may simply be PR exaggerations, and hence i dont believe a word of what Dean promises until i see it actualized. So we will see how this goes. A toast to a wonderful and promise fulfilling future for ENFUSION.
  14. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Mind helping me change the title to the one of the new thread, deleting that thread and then this comment
  15. Pokerguy12

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    HA ive heard that before. So this is going to be a RV3.5. Same bad animations, uncomfortable controls, resource handling and my favourite franchise defining door open interactions
  16. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Thats why i made a new one orlok
  17. Once upon a happy day in town of Berezino, a group of bandits in payday masks decide to hold up an innocent survivor searching for food............... Bandit group: DROP YOUR FUCKING WEAPON! HANDS UP! Survivor: Woah Woah guys. Im just looking for some food, please don't shoot look i only got a crowbar Bandit group: Dont move or we will fucking shoot you Survivor: Please i dont mean any harm, look take my stuff just dont shoot me.... Bandit leader: Oh we will let you live alright, whats the fun in just shooting you dead Survivor: What do you mean? Bandit leader: Boys, say what we take Mr. newspawn here into the woods and have some fun with him. Jones go cuff him up. *Survivor pulls out a small object in the span of less than a second Survivor: ALRIGHT EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK OFF! I've got a live grenade in my hand and the pin's out. If you kill me now the grenade goes off and BOOM we all die. NOW LOWER YOUR FUCKING GUNS! This thread is made by me and not stolen from anywhere
  18. Pokerguy12

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    I find it hard to search the internet for any enlightening information about this new "Enfusion" engine the game is moving to. Besides the name of the engine, dx11, 64 bit support and that it shares some part with RV i have to conclude that the community really knows nothing much more than that. Does anyone know more? technical information or such is helpful.
  19. Pokerguy12

    What is the point of this game?

    Conan approves. Srsly, its a pointless deathmatch sandbox for you to have fun playing inside.
  20. Pokerguy12

    Crossbow as a primary

    Dead on, balancing needed. Imo what it really needs to be balanced, and also make this weapon function more realistically is faster projectile speed first of all. Then we can talk about damage and bleeding factors.
  21. Pokerguy12

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    Get a 3570k or 3570 on newegg, great vaule quad core no frills
  22. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Can someone move this to the suggestion thread?
  23. Pokerguy12

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    I didnt steal or copy it from reddit or anywhere else you asswipe, this is an original idea from me.
  24. This post is mainly about my assessment of what makes the NWAF a unique place and how we use what we learn here to recreate similar experiences in other places. For a Zombie infested wasteland that is the sandbox for Dayz, we all know and love, Skalitsy island has always held a unique place in my heart. Think about the pilgrimage we all make to the North West airfield, the holy grail of high end military loot and at the same time the grave for many a careless player. It holds a certain character as a difficult to access treasure trove of wonderful military weapons and loot. The place is an open airfield surrounded by a thin fence and wide open fields on all sides with no cover. One has to cross all that open space in order to reach the airfield, further in the distance are thick foilage and woods giving ample spots for snipers to hide and prey on helpless survivors endeavouring to make their journey safely while in the few small indoor spaces ambushes were often prepared. We could find anything from the best Rifles to vehicles, Night vision googles and the best bagpacks no wonder the NWAF is such a popular place. To the experienced and advanced player, we would remember every small rock and bush that offered the tiniest bit of concealment to increase our chances of coming out of a loot raid alive. Some of us even go to the trouble of waiting till nightfall to make our journey there. We practice and memorize routes to take and specific angles to cover and watch for every step we make on the small trip from the boundary of the safe treeline to where the loot spawns. Manoeuvring your way in the airfield is quite different than in elektro because all the time our destination is focused on the loot spawns of the airfield, and players are more focused on making it there safely than engaging in a fight. The NWAF is a frequently visited place and death match arena. Because of this we have mixed reactions of anxiety, fear, anticipation and most prominently greed for all the wonderful loot and vehicles that can be found there(refering to the mod). Many of us cannot doubt that most of our best and most exciting moments are achieved at or around the NWAF, take a look on youtube and you will see at least a good half of them take place at airfields. Without the airfields both West and East, alot of fun will be missing and Dayz will be significantly more boring. I believe the next place the map designers have to look at to create this dangerous journey filled with suspense and paranioa like the journey to the NWAF is Skalitsy island. It has unique characteristics as an unaccessible geographical location that quite frankly has plenty of neglected potential for kickass game and map design. First of all it is an island, AND you have to cross the sea to get there. Right now it is a very small distance offshore and rather easy to swim to. The thing is, you have to swim there. I think the journey of swimming there can be made a very special and rewarding one if we design it correctly. There has to be a way we can design the journey by sea to the island into a journey just as exciting and adventurous as the journey to the NWAF. I'm not saying we turn it into a high value loot spawn area because that would just make an easy location for anyone with the proper vehicle to farm loot with no risk or danger of PvP battles. Skalisy island is just an example of a place with the potential to be turned into a place that offers the same fun that running back and forth from NWAF does. I want ideas to make places into legendary attractions with focus on making the journey to reach them exciting and adrenaline filled. WHAT CAN WE DO? WHAT CAN WE CHANGE IN THE MAP? Tavania was an interesting place, oil rigs located offshore only accessible by boat or air with the highest possible loot value spawn. At the same time it couldnt be used as a base to hide away your helicopter because it is visible for miles around