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Everything posted by tehreaver

  1. tehreaver

    TheMercs Seattle Server.

    Great server! Played on it last night and epic firefights happened at Stary.
  2. tehreaver

    TheMercs server

    were hosting a server small sons at chicago 53. come at us bro. u mirin' brah? good luck. if you think you're hardcore and have what it takes to join our server them come on in. 3rd person with veteran. glhf small sons this is TheMercs from darkfall btw
  3. tehreaver

    TheMercs server

    HI sons
  4. tehreaver

    TheMercs server

  5. tehreaver

    TheMercs server

  6. There are people in this world when given the chance were unable to kill someone who was threatening to kill their entire family..and as a consequence the entire family was killed because the father' date=' even with a gun was unable to pull the trigger (it was a case we studied in which a convicted murder told the story in which he said that he had wished the man had shot him, because now he was serving life in prison and saw the faces of the children he murdered every time he closed his eyes). So the father doesn't kill the murderer and his entire family died because of it. You still think just because there are zombies in the world that everyone is suddenly immoral, forgot everything they had ever been taught and will just kill anyone and everyone to survive when this man couldn't shoot a stranger to not only protect himself but his family? [/quote'] He would only last for a few days then. So let me say it again. If you "survived" for 2 WEEKS in a zombie apocalypse you are going to need to drop your morals in order to survive that long or you are just a worthless husk that will most likely be capped in a bar.
  7. Actually I find it quite logical that in a survival situation(ultimately what the zombie apocalypse is) that people will and do tend to band together in order to survive. Also' date=' a good example of a high-stress survival situation that may provide a decent analogue to the psychological area of this discussion. When the titanic sank, people only filled the boats to(I'm not sure on this number, it's roundabout) about 30% of their capacity, and many of the upper-class passengers refused to allow the poorer passengers into their life boats. They became greedy and self-serving, only looking to their own survival. On the upside, a decent portion of the passengers and crew DID try to pull as many people out of the water as possible. [/quote'] I didn't say anything about not banding together but I'm saying is that if you manage to live in a real zombie apocalypse for 2 weeks, most morals will be dropped and you WILL kill someone for food. Also if there was someone that wasn't in your party and you saw that they had a gun, I'm sure it would be a shoot first ask later type deal.
  8. I honestly have no idea how this guy majored in psych. I think you're failing to realize that the world has been infested with zombies and all morals would be completely dropped in a real life scenario if you were a survivor living for more than 2 weeks. So all of these statistics mean absolutely nothing in a zombie apocalypse.