Hello everyone. Yesterday I came back home from vacation. Have not played DAYZ about a week. When I tryed to enter UK 172 server I got this No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkerBrushes. "norrnRACarUp" addPublicVariableEventHandler {call compile markerText "WHY_YOU_NO_LOVE_ME_AYNMORE"; }; cod here the only thing I found via Google http://opendayz.net/index.php?threads/raikiri-bc49e1644d8e354065789369d8b4c32d-has-been-kicked-by-battleye-publicvariable-value-restric.8228/#post-22819 Ive ever never hacked and modify something and really can't understand what is going on! Please! HELP! :beans: