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About GhostChips

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GhostChips

    Addon Problems

    Yeah, I can run Arma2 fine. However the file i believe is from arma 2. I am going to redownload the both of them again and get someone who as dayz working to give me a hand
  2. GhostChips

    Addon Problems

    I really dont know. I have reinstalled oa validated the files, and updated them. I have had several mates who have dayz running try, and they have given up after a few hours. Only keep trying and hoping i suppose :(
  3. GhostChips

    Addon Problems

    I have spent many, many hours trying to rectify this and its frustrating me to no end. Every time I launch arma op arrowhead (and Arma II)or join servers through dayz commander i get this message. Have even redownloaded Operation arrowhead to no avail. I keep getting this message (see file) Any help appreciated! Thanks