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Everything posted by Griffith

  1. Griffith

    Town Take Over

    Can you make a fort somehow
  2. How can my buddies and I spawn together ?
  3. Griffith

    us 845 ban vechile creation

    Juicebox did you play world of tanks ?
  4. Griffith

    New to the game

    OK I am new to the game just purchased and downloaded ARma II and Dayz. I have a clean windows install and I loaded Dayz commander. I was playing on a server and I see battleeye messages in white in the middle of the screen saying I am risking a global ban, and I have only been online for less then 10 minutes WTF ?
  5. Griffith

    game issues

    Ok I got a i5 3.4ghz with 16gig ram and a 560 nvidia and the game seems lathargic when sooting an pickibg stuff up. What would you recommend. Ping is 34 ms on avg
  6. Griffith

    New to the game

    Thanks for the assist gents