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Everything posted by Griffith

  1. Thats ok our medic on the Vanguard was helping some new players out flying them around to a few places helping them gear and take them back to the medical camp to stock up and what happens... You guessed it 2 scrubs (Eric and Echo) attacked the group of new people in attempt to hijack the chopper the medic was using. Side note for Eric and Echo: How did that work out for you two noobs......
  2. Griffith

    Best sniper rifle?

    DMR - It can Snipe, it can shoot fast, decent range, useable in close quarters, excellent damage, accurate, and most important the ammo is easy to come by.
  3. New Private Hive Chernus server located in the midwest Features - Self BloodBags - Tent Sleep Healing - Strip parts mechanic for salvaging parts from vehicles - AutoRefuel - Increased Vehicles - Admin hosted events We are looking for active players to join our community. Server IP:
  4. So what do you need from me to get me and 2 friends whitelisted for 3 slots total ?
  5. I have played where I have been caused to bleed 3 time and infected twice in less then a 3 minute period by 7 zombies. My suggestion is that upon taking the antibiotics you should be granted an immunity from reinfection for a short time in example for like 10 to 15 minutes as the antibiotics would still be at work in your system. This I think would reduce the fustration of back to back infections with antibiotics being hard to come by.
  6. Griffith

    Clan recruting

  7. Griffith

    It's too late For Dayz.

    another rip off.....
  8. Griffith

    Multiple Infections Immunity

    I think by doing this people would be less fustrated by the current infection rate
  9. Griffith

    Help required: rifle/melee weapon slinging

    A Chechen Vest Pack will not hold a rifle
  10. Usually my group avoids people, if we see a solo person running about we might help them. But if we have a car we kill anyone on site because too many times we have had people try to carjack our ride. Not to mention still alot of punks out there using esp
  11. Griffith

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    And cities and towns are supposed to take up large areas, yet have been reduced in scale for gameplay. Just as the volume of a firearm should.
  12. I was kicked from a server last night with a BattleEye script restricition 97 as well as a few other players. What is it ? or what information do I need to get you to resolve this ?
  13. Griffith

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Agro still seems messed up, I am getting zombies from far away agroing, I am getting zombies unable to hear me on the other side of the wall agroing. Enfield and other firearms noise agro is just stupid now, it needs to be reduced
  14. Griffith

    Backpack Slot

    Since we cant sling a rifle to clear up a weapon slot for the melee, can we change the backpacks to have a weapon slot like a car or a tent so the rifles dont take up a stupid amount of space in a pack?
  15. Griffith

    Backpack Slot

    I think just adding a dedicated weapon slot to the pack itself like vehicles and tents have is the most reasonable way to achieve this with the minimal amount of coding changes. No need to change graphics or getting all crazy with standalone on the horizion just something that should be in theroy a quick gode change to a couple of items
  16. Griffith


    Can we return to the point of this topic as to which the infection rate is a wee bit silly. Not to mention the amount of bandages required for receiving from people hitting us.
  17. Griffith

    New handgun damages need changing

    the Average .45 acp (colt 1911 ammo) is a 230 grain bullet where the 5.56(aka .223) nato ammo of a M4,M16,AR15, G36, etc is on average 55 to 72 grain. Odds are at close range I will drop you with 1 hit to the body with a .45
  18. Griffith


    But you wouldnt be getting infected from the zombie because you already are resistent to what they got in the first place.
  19. Griffith

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The infection rate and the bleed rate need to be addressed Going through 3 bandages and 2 antibiotics in 4 zombies is just stupid Getting infected from walking up behind a zombie and killing em with a melee before they attack should not result in an infection The warping when you pull the trigger or adjust your lead is getting very bothersome (this only happens when they are agro'd) Agro range is just silly now. I am in a building kill one with a melee weapon and now zombies behind a wall or fence are now charging me. Gunshot agro is beyond rtarded now
  20. Griffith

    Strange Death

    My buddies and I were running through a field and there was only one other person on the server at the time and my buddy just died. No gun shots no zombies he just fell dead instantly, my other buddy and I were like wtf and just stood there looking at his body, we did the study body and said died from an unkown cause. Did he get a glitch death, I doubt hackers did it.
  21. Griffith

    Come play with us!

    sounds good
  22. Griffith

    Come play with us!

    Do I need to be whitelisted for the server and what is the process and how do I get my GUID ?
  23. I think the toolbox should give the player the ability to cut a hole\passage through a chainlink fence.