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Everything posted by Griffith

  1. Griffith

    Epoch Server needs a Friendly group.

    We can do bandit if needed
  2. Griffith


    I was flying correctly. I was flying in 3rd person and that's how I was able to see it go down. I was not descending when this happened. I was in the two seater when this went down
  3. Griffith

    Epoch Server needs a Friendly group.

    would a group of 3 be acceptable ?
  4. Never played Epoch who can give me a crash course in this?
  5. Placing a new tent since update and its giving me the options to adjust final placement what is the command to make it pitch when I am happy with placement. I see no options in my scroll Please help
  6. Griffith

    Need help pitching a tent

    The error was a problem caused by the server I am playing on. When I went to a different public server it gave me the correct options for the tent. This topic can be locked \ deleted as the question has been answered
  7. Griffith


    in the current verstion I have had zombies spawn on top of me, Warp through walls, and the most annoying charge me and run through me while hitting me then warping back to 10 feet in front of me and repeating the process. Is this going to be fixed or is this the best the AI can do ? It not my PC lagging I was the only person on the server 57 meg down 17 meg up cable modem ping to server was 27 ms 16 gig ram with a 3.7ghz i5 and a 560 ti with 2 gig ram on dual sata3 hitachi 750 in raid 1 mode
  8. Griffith

    Need help pitching a tent

    I have found that logging while pitching the tent causes the tent to be deployed in the area you were trying. Space bar did not seem to help. Is there a way to cancel the deployment of a tent ? The instructions you get on screen tell you about Q and E to change its pitch, but no comments on the deployment. This is on the current version on public servers
  9. Griffith


    Max thanks for pointing out my error yet ignoring the question at hand.
  10. When you are stalking people for no reason don't be surprised when they go Trayvon on you.
  11. You know this is just a byproduct of todays society which for some reason insists on telling children everything they do is just so awesome. The problem then, is the kids believe it.
  12. Silly fail bandit..... come see how long you last on our server.....incase you cant figure it out the info is in the signature. Be warned our bambis will smoke you
  13. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    When comparing the SVD to M82 for accuracy to you use the final number for each rifle at max range? or did you find a number for the M82 at the max range of the SVD since the m82 outranges it?
  14. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    .50CAL AE or .50CAL BMG? yes major armies have them and they are usually given to a very few special teams not from masses.
  15. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    FYI I can get 2 moa at 100m with my ar15 shooting xm193FMJBT with iron sites using a 16 inch barrel. Saying a scoped sniper rifle can do that as a sign of accuracy is bullshit
  16. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    right.... and what branch of service are you ? I wonder because they dont issue these antimaterial sniper rifles to platoons in a normal military unit. Hell I doubt you would be able to operate it safely
  17. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I disagree .....hell most of you out there would kill yourself firing such a weapon because you would not be doing it correctly.
  18. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    I didnt say an Acog in basic.
  19. Griffith

    Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62

    if u need something bigger then 7.62 x 51 then you should go back to basic and learn to aim... M16 Acog FTW But atleast they didnt ask for a tesla cannon or railgun
  20. Griffith

    BUIS for weapons with optics

    FYI aimpoints get something like 50,000 hours to 1 battery so getting down to this level of detail to include batteries for optics seem a little silly. and for those they would like to argue the batter life see link. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aimpoint.com%2Fproducts%2Fall-products%2Fproduct-singleview%2Fproduct%2Fcompm4
  21. Griffith

    The current DayZ experience.

    If you are looking for a new server and with most people being friendly come check us out on Vanguard. We have a group that looks for spawn snipers when they are on, as an admin I try to run events to keep it interesting.
  22. for the noob bandits on Vanguard private hive (Eric and Echo) the players would like to thank you for the epic lulz you provided in the failure to jack the chopper. While you did kill many of the new people you failed so hard at what should have been an easy score. Thanks for the lulz, you have given us something to laugh at ....
  23. Griffith

    Bandit Fail on Vanguard

    But its still fun to laugh at their fail... They tried to kill people using the side gun on the huey. They should have just stood apart selected targets and head shot the 1st two then it would have been 2 v 3 instead of 1 guy trying to kill 5 with the door mounted gun. Lulz
  24. Griffith

    Bandit Fail on Vanguard

    They only killed 2 out of 5.