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62 Good


About Griffith

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  1. Griffith

    Getting kicked from ALL servers.

    Getting the error Error Creating Weapon FHQ_XM2010_Base with Scope=Private I can join the server it looks like it will launch then I get kicked with this error to main menu. Was working fine last night, noticed my dayz commander updated
  2. I am sorry but if I smack you with a shovel you aint getting up. Not to mention the melee combat system feels so unnatural and lethargic. This needs to be worked on more then being able to spray paint gear.
  3. Do you even have any concept of what you are talking about?
  4. Griffith

    Recruiting members for Dayz Mod Epoch

    what server \ map ?
  5. Griffith

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    @ R.J. If your ruger mark II \ ruger mark III pistol is jamming on you then you are doing it wrong. Try cleaning it or not using garbage ammo.
  6. he could of had a beta mag 100
  7. Griffith

    Active combat timer

  8. Griffith

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    so if I am restrained and the server reboots my character dies ?
  9. Griffith


    Another group that calls out, look at us look at how l33t we are.
  10. I kill on site. Its safer for me, makes more resources available for me.
  11. Is there a list of what features are available and what we should be testing atm and a list of what is not implemented yet?