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Everything posted by thebestcody

  1. thebestcody


    Hi Im 14 in the US steam name Tf2Terror Skype codylove.99 add me me and you can team up to kill people and zombies i wont kill you im hitting up the air field soon so add me Need a person who can carry their own wight and kind of teach me some stuff i still am kind of a noob and speck English
  2. thebestcody


    i still need a friend to pair up with you will be on my youtube channal
  3. thebestcody


    i hate cod
  4. thebestcody

    Need a Friend

    I started playing dayz a week ago and im ok i some good geare i need a friend so they could give me a blood bag im nice and u must have a mic and speack englishim 14
  5. thebestcody

    Need a Friend

  6. thebestcody

    Team up Now lets play....

    add me Tf2Terror(steam) Im kind of new but know my way around
  7. thebestcody

    Looking for a friend to play with

    me im 14 and hate bandits i will watch your back also before i can do anything i need a blood bag
  8. can someone give me a blood bag we can team up if u do im on the outskirts of cherno with like no blood please help steam name Tf2Terror
  9. thebestcody

    Making a Squad on Dayz

    Name: Cody Age:14 How long have you been playing DayZ:only a week Your Roll:look out for the whole squad and looter Skype:codylove.99 Why should I pick you:i need help also i need a blood bag Do you have a mic:yes
  10. thebestcody

    Need help!

    reinstall all the dayz comander stuff can u give me a blood bag if this works