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Everything posted by rutok

  1. rutok

    Zombies / The Threat.

    I agree with prodigal. The zombis right now are not enough of a threat. For some reason they seem to be unable to hear pistol shots over distances longer than 20-30 meters. Maybe they wont be as easy to loose when they can really run indoors.. but i guess even then they will be pretty easy to loose because you can break line of sight around corners & stuff. @DKmintz: you dont need to exploit anything. breaking line of sight with a horde is way too easy and then they just stand there. Also there is no need to mention the alpha state again. Im pretty shure everybody posting here knows that the game is in alpha. And the reason (i think) prodigal made this post was just to draw attention to the point. There have been a few changes to zombi behaviour in the past. We should just continue to change the parameters until we find something that is truly scary. It makes sense that zombis dont aggro when you are sneaking through a building and they walk by outside.. however they should not loose aggro when they are running after you and you just run in and out again.
  2. I cant believe people still discuss pvp.. Get over it! And make no mistake: if pvp is taken out / reduced / toggled / somehow fucked with, this game looses ALL the danger there is. Zombis do NOT make this game scary. Zombis do not make you play carefully. You can run through any village or town, shoot wildly into the air and aggro every zombi there is.. and you can loose them all again without loosing a single point of health and shooting any of them. People are what make playing this game dangerous (ok.. sometimes stairs.. or doors.. or ladders.. ). If you want to have a taste what it feels like when pvp is taken out, just load up the editor of arma2, place yourself anywhere on the map of chenarus and press "play".
  3. Vipeax said it today in Puddns stream. All the helicopters in game right now are hacked in.
  4. Just the mod is alpha.. The whole "walking up and down stairs" part of the game is more than 3 years old!
  5. rutok

    Please stop getting mad a DayZ devs

    There are indeed a lot of those threads. Same with complaining about useless stuff and proposing fixes for pvp.. The one thing that always gets on my nerves: the "its an alpha" comment. There have been a few very good arguments that the alpha stage was actually left behind when the mod went above 100k users. You can see it for yourself. Compare the frequency of the patches just a month before now. The last patch even had closed testing on locked servers for more than 2 weeks! Then it was unveiled at a gaming convention. Call that whatever you want.. but its not an alpha anymore.
  6. Having random spawnpoints sounds nice at first. But after a while people start to favour certain spawn points. Some will want to spawn close to cherno or elektro to run through citys, others want to spawn somewhere else maybe to meet up with friends quicker. Giving players the option to either spawn at random points OR choose one of them on the map (or from a list) would cut down on the massive respawning you see everywhere.
  7. rutok

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    I really tried watching this cast.. it looks and sounds like its made by retards explaining the world for 4 year olds.. "looks like a dock..." Wouldnt worry about any influence on arma2 or the mod. If their viewers are really as dumb as the casters seem to think they are they wont even be able to install arma2..
  8. Because every time someone respawns they have to make a new connection to the master server. Data is sent back & forth. I dont know how much data.. if its not that big of a deal then ok.. And how does it make sense to camp spawn points? They would kill you once, then you could just select a different spawn. I just watched a stream of a guy that respawned 12 times just to get a certain spot...
  9. Look, i agree with your points against it.. like it making the game easier and stuff. But just look at the reality. How often do you see "player xxx died" over and over again because someone is just looking for a certain spawn? Just watch a few streams of dayz.. the ALL respawn until they find that one spot they like. But spawn camping?? That doesnt make sense at all. And even IF someone was dumb enough to start camping this one spot.. how long do you think it would take you to notice that and just choose another spawnpoint? Its not like you got a lot to loose if you get spawnkilled.. Also, if you move (or remove) spawnpoints closest to the city people would still respawn to get the next closest spot..
  10. If you want to play stealthy and not have to shoot zombis every 3 minutes you have to crawl everywhere anyway. After crawling through berenzino once you get so used to it that you barely remember to walk again afterwards.
  11. rutok

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    shure.. meet in cherno? :angel:
  12. But you would have to use some resources that are not infinitely available. Just hatchet + tree is too easy.
  13. Nice. Maybe wood + 1 bandage? You would be able to walk again, but not run..
  14. rutok

    Blood etc

    Yea, your body makes bloodcells all the time. But not 1 liter in 5 minutes! If you are at 2k blood that means you fucked up somehow. It happens.. It also means you didnt prepare. Why dont you have any cooked meat? 1 cooked meat regenerates 800 blood. Just find 1 cow and a boar and you are set.
  15. Your points are good, but the premise is flawed. What if pvp is not an "issue" that needs to be solved? Maybe its intended? There are tons of cooperative goals and motivators in World of Warcraft but people still kill each other on pvp servers. (oldschool example ftw)
  16. rutok

    Blood etc

    No.. regenerating blood feels "gamy" and removes the need for doing a lot of stuff. for example if you get hit by zombis. they dont take very much health by hitting you. but you would never have to worry about going into melee with them because you just regenerate. so not only would you not need any meat, you wouldnt need ammo either (just for pvp). raising the amount of blood you get from food makes it less needed (also you wouldnt need to hunt as often). and making bloodbags usable on yourself would remove the ONLY need for cooperating with another player that is currently in the game. the game is not impossible for solo players... no need to be this melodramatic.
  17. rutok


    Why dont you mod some zombis into Mechwarrior 4?
  18. Canned food takes YEARS to spoil! Go into any supermarket, take the cheapest "canned beans" from the shelve and check the "best before" date. you will be suprised. *edit* found this on the "canned food alliance" website: "In fact, canned food has an almost indefinite shelf life at moderate temperatures (75° Fahrenheit and below). Canned food as old as 100 years has been found in sunken ships and it is still microbiologically safe! We don't recommend keeping canned food for 100 years, but if the can is intact, it is edible." as for soda: if you are thirsty and drink a whole can of soda.. can you drink even a glass of water right after? it may not be als healthy as water.. but its still enough liquid.
  19. rutok

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    its random loot.. there is no "wrong direction" that you found 5 and others found 0 means nothing.
  20. rutok

    please read: matchbox spawnrate

    Maybe the randomised spawn is not a good idea for some items. Matchbox example: If you go into any supermarket, gas station, little shop, whatever there will be matches (or lighters). Its absolutely 100% certain. They never run out or anything. Why? because a lot of people smoke. Some people (and almost all women) still love candles. So maybe there is some sense in placing them in every store and giving them a pretty high chance to spawn in every house. If it makes the game too easy you could still give them limited uses (around 20?). It should be slightly annoying but not really difficult to obtain.
  21. rutok

    Leaving Mod for now

    Pff, i was leaving this mod before it was cool!
  22. rutok

    Too much Hatchet spawning

    Yea, you can cut wood with the "rifle axes" its the same as before, go into the woods near a tree, open gear menu, right click and select "harvest wood". Also, if you find an axe you have to equip and "reload" it before you can use it on zombis.
  23. rutok

    "Player" was killed

    I also thought about that. I also wondered what the intention for this mod is.. if there was a "preferred playstyle". For example: if you want people to go find groups and cooperate then they need some way to communicate. of course i can play with friends over teamspeak. but if i see some random guy looting a barn in the wilderness i cant know what his intentions are. shure i can watch him for a bit, try to get closer and then use the voicecom or type.. but that is incredibly dangerous. he can spot me anytime and decide to shoot me. on the other hand, if you want people to go alone, be scared maybe even to the point of saying "ok, from now i just shoot everyone" then that point is reached now. with no communication, no "bandit skin", no "humanity indicator" there is nothing but my decision keeping me from shooting other players. it simply comes down to this: "do i value the stuff i spent collecting the last few days higher than someone elses virtual life?" for me, that answer is now almost always "yea, lets kill him and get out of here" or "yea, but i can sneak away." its not that finding stuff is hard.. and even when i got killed (on my 9. day alive) after finding a heli wreck with an m14 and fm i didnt really care. i was just annoyed that i would have to run around for at least an hour to get a compass and a weapon of some kind.
  24. Why doesnt anyone try a different aproach? Shure, you had to hide and sneak to survive before.. but now you dont have to. Zombis may see you and aggro way faster over larger areas.. but they are stupid as fuck. You can loose them just running through a barn! Without shooting anything. Also try hatchets.. Shure you dont find guns & stuff that easy anymore.. but you also dont need them. The game has changed (for the worse if you ask me..) but you can still survive pretty easy.