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Everything posted by rutok

  1. rutok

    Adapt and prevail

    The last patches made the game way to easy. You wouldnt need any guns if it where not for the other players.. I dont even bother picking up rifles anymore. Just a good pistol (1911 or revolver) for players and the hatchet for zombis, cows and wood. *edit* perhaps he wanted to indicate that the op is in the basement. then the mother could call from upstairs and the dining room would be on the ground floor.
  2. rutok

    Zombies after patch

    The behaviour has changed quite a bit. Even when you kill them with a hatchet (try that out before it gets nerfed!! seriously!) other zombis in the area seem to "feel" when you kill their brethren and come running. They also seem to spawn really fast again. There is also the problem of zombis spawning either in the floor or on rooftops of buildings. I guess this has something to do with how the floor is defined in the large brown wooden barns. You can loose aggro though simply by running into a barn from one end (make shure all the zombis follow you closely so no one runs around) and out of the other end. Barns are long enough that they dont hear you most of the time.
  3. Yesterday i decided to take a look beyond the map. Long story short: found a boat, drove it as long as the fuel lasted (quite some time), got out and started walking back. As i noticed, every time i logged out and back in i would find a corpse that looked suspicously like me. The only difference would be that he would wear survivor clothes while i have the camo skin. So i thought that would be something the game did to change my skin (he never had any equip, sometimes the backpack that i didnt try to take). But after installing the 1.7.1 patch today and spawning in the game (still waaayy off map) i not only saw myself in survivor clothes but a couple meters off there was a whole group of people. Just spawning in there, not doing anything and then falling over dead. At first i thought i had spawned into some clan conference and shot 3 or 4 of them. Then i noticed they didnt have weapons or any gear with them and they would never move. I did not get any murders, kills or headshots from it. Only the server "leaderboard" now credits me with -4 playerkills.. at least i think thats what it is.. when you press "i" its the first category. I have no screenshots because i dont have fraps and arma2 doesnt support screenshots out of the box..
  4. Thats what i first thought too.. but why would the debug wilderness be close to anyone who spawns off the map? Its not that is in the same place every time. If i stand there now, turn in any direction, walk for 2 hours and relog it will be right next to me again.
  5. And if i disconnect and join again the spot will be close to me. I just have to look around a bit and there they are again. Some die, some just dissapear again.
  6. rutok

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    * [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is) pff.. how about "you die when your cursor comes across a player with very low humanity.. cause he is probably already hunting you"
  7. That may be.. but everyone hoarding every vehicle available and stashing it somewhere off the map forever creates serious gameplay problems as well.. Also: Repairing a vehicle is almost laughably easy when you already have a vehicle. If you play in a group it gets even easier. Since this is only an alpha and gear is almost certainly wiped completely at some point (probably more then once) you shouldnt spend so much time hoarding stuff anyway.
  8. NO If you are directly looking at a super bandit (very close as well) chances are you wont be able to hear the subtle heartbeat sound over the gunfire he sends in your direction..
  9. NO How would people defend against bandits killing them on the beach? As for realism: if the player is not some ex army guy, why can he handle every weapon he finds perfectly and even fly military helicopters? That means he is no simple civilian. And that means he would at least have a handgun.
  10. Wow, this must be the dumbest suggestion ever. I am not suprised you didnt name any mods you claimed to have made. Lets think for a second what made this mod so successfull. What brought all those people here, what made them buy arma 2? Its definetly NOT just the chance to rush to the beach and kill people for beans. There are plenty other games out there where you can just shoot people (and a lot of them are better optimised for it). No, what brings people is the premise that this game is fucking HARD! That its harsh, unforgiving and that you can loose your shit in a second. THIS is the difference that sets this mod apart from the countless shooters out there. And as far as i know it may be the only difference. Left 4 dead has more zombis, less lag. Battlefield has instant vehicles, less lag... So if you make this game easier (by introducing selective friendly fire, nerf guns for bandits, spawning magical shields for beginners, whatever..) would turn it into just another shooter. People argue that it is a shooter already. Maybe so.. but its the harshest shooter out there. Where even a bean carrying noob with a macarov can headshot a fully equiped bad ass bandit with assault rifle.
  11. rutok


    but you dont rant when you fall from the roof..
  12. rutok


    If your first instinct after getting the weapon had not been "oohh nice. im gonna snipe noobz from the roof!!11" you would still be alive. karma?
  13. The undead are not really much of a danger unless you aggro whole towns. If you aproach a small village carefully and pick of the obvious roamers its almost too easy. Just adding numbers would also increase server load... bad for everyone. Thats why i thought about some (simple?? dunno) changes to the behaviour of the existing zombis to make them more of a challenge. 1. Zombis "play dead". We already have some corpses lying around certain areas. If some of the zombis had a chance of spawning lying on the ground and only aggroing when they hear / see something, players would have to be more careful when they aproach a settlement. You would never know if those corpses there are really dead (as in killed by another player that passed through) or just undead waiting to kill you. 2. Zombis "hide". If i read the patch notes right there will be a chance that zombis spawn inside buildings. Sounds great. But what if those zombis would spawn around corners? You would have to check corners really quickly to avoid getting jumped. To make this harder: 3. Zombis can be quiet. Not all Zombis should moan and make noise all the time. Most Zombi movies use this to make the dramatic shock moment when the camera pans around and shows the protagonist is suddenly surrounded by monsters he couldnt hear creep up on him. It wouldnt be as extreme as this as you would keep the footsteps obviously..
  14. rutok

    Capture and torture

    Someone should get therapy ASAP..
  15. Maybe the idea or the concept is "inspired" by dayZ.. but the game will be NOTHING like it. Its made by a CoD designer, will have different character classes. It will definetly have a huge HUD, player names over everybody.. Not to mention that it cant possibly be as unforgiving since its going to be played on consoles, tablets and even phones.. This will have nothing on DayZ
  16. HOLY SHIT!! 10 BUCKS!11 Thats like almost a movie + small Popcorn!! Srsly guys.. the game is already cheap, the mod is free.. what else do you want?
  17. Whats up with all those posts? Almost all of them are the same "i dont have any problem with pk.. but lets punish them!!" And the arguments for it are crap. Killing newbies is ALREADY almost worthless except for sport and beans. If someone is using a military weapon to do it it is punishment enough to have to go out and find another clip for the gun. The game is fine as it is. If you dont want to get shot, stay out of cherno, elektro or away from the beach. If you think its still unfair, play on hardcore servers. Forced 1st person and no nametags makes hiding much easier. I have played for over a week and have never been shot by another player.