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Everything posted by Copgun

  1. Does the flashlight attachment even work? Everytime I get it it never works, prestige condition with a battery and everything.
  2. Copgun

    Rarest loot currently in game?

    Haha, you're right I've only ever found one stone.
  3. Copgun

    Random soda, munching & zombie sounds

    Nope, it's a known bug.
  4. Thanks! I've always liked SweetFX in games, also I think it is safe to use.
  5. Copgun

    Rarest loot currently in game?

    I found one in a train station
  6. Copgun

    Rarest loot currently in game?

    Well, I've found a press vest but I've never found a chainsaw.
  7. Copgun

    WTF is this place.

    I see a witch on a broomstick...
  8. I read it in his voice the whole way through lol!
  9. Copgun

    Battle Eye? What Is It?

  10. Perhaps you joined a server that was on a private hive.
  11. Copgun

    End of the map?

    Maybe you could find an off-map tent city.
  12. 1. It's happed to me(I know it sucks) 2. You didn't buy dayz.
  13. Copgun

    Tents in

    According to the wiki theyre permanent aslong as the owner is alive. If the owner is dead it's got 7 days of inactivity before its gone.
  14. Copgun


  15. Copgun

    this mod is in beta...

    Hahah, you sir have my beans.
  16. Copgun

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Stick it to 'em, asshole admis suck.
  17. Copgun

    Bad Serial number given in setup

    I have this problem only when I try to run OA or normal ArmA 2, when I run CO it's fine.
  18. Copgun

    this guy asking me 4 my cd-key

    Script kiddie looking for a new CD key because he got banned and his mom won't re buy ArmA for him.
  19. You'll stop losing blood at 6k
  20. Copgun

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    The world may never know...
  21. Copgun

    Weapon Nerf Poll

    The nerfs were not intentional.