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About MoonSpank

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  1. Not sure how it's off topic if it was raised as a point in favor of your thread declaring tents on the empty boundaries to be an exploit. It seems that you're making a lot of guesses about what the game can and cannot handle. It's fair to do so, but I wouldn't consider that a valid point against tents in the empty lands. For all you know, rocket may implement player buildings and player structures and suddenly being able to place things in that empty space becomes crucial. Saying what the game has and what the game has not really isn't going to fly as an argument right now because it's a budding alpha. We really have no idea what rocket is going to do in the future.
  2. If he does he's going to need a much larger team. The problem with adding new buildings is the modeling time' date=' and even if you have artists to make the models you need level designers to map the terrain. It's really time-consuming, and said time could be used to do stuff like make the game stable or fix bugs. Also, the map is the size it is because that's what the engine can safely support. Arma3 is supposed to have much more modeled space, which is in part due to the fact that the engine is better. [/quote'] Do you know this is a limitation for a fact based off what rocket has said, or are you presenting an assumption that backs up your side of the argument? I would genuinely like to know.
  3. The map isn't finished because it is. There's nothing out that way, because BIS (they made the map, not Rocket or the DayZ staff) didn't have the resources to continue the map out that way. It's like that on the Takistan(sp?) map as well. So you're saying for a fact that the map is as finished as rocket wants it and he has no intentions to alter it for DayZ? He has no intention or ability to edit buildings or add/remove new ones?
  4. Camping the coast with a sniper rifle is cheap too. According to your logic, if you can't easily get to someone's tent they shouldn't be allowed to have one, which defeats the purpose of the tent. May as well remove the item in that case, or give a better alternative. Surely you see how silly that is, right? Camping the coast with a rifle still runs the risk of death. Having all of your gear even 1km off the map drastically reduces the chance that it'll be looted. It's just safe and easy. Kinda lame is all I'm saying. You can see where I'm coming from, right? It's not as drastic as you would think. There are reddit posts daily of people finding and destroying tent cities in the northern boundaries, and stories of clans who will spread out and search the space in a short amount of time. Organized players with intent will find the tents, and the only risk mitigation really is from random players finding your stash. In reality, it's still incredibly unsafe no matter where you set up your tent. It takes a lot of effort to set up and maintain and protect. If players put forth that amount of work, they deserve the reward of a moderately safe place to call home. I don't think "that's lame" is a valid argument against it.
  5. Camping the coast with a sniper rifle is cheap too. According to your logic, if you can't easily get to someone's tent they shouldn't be allowed to have one, which defeats the purpose of the tent. May as well remove the item in that case, or give a better alternative. Surely you see how silly that is, right?
  6. Still haven't seen an argument as to how setting up tents far away hurts the game or other players. It's just taking an added precaution at the expense of having to travel a long, long way if you die (or even if you don't). What is the logic in condemning this action?
  7. Because there is a big difference between hiding a tent in a map that can still be stumbled across luckily by a player' date=' and a tent/vehicles 20 km away from the map, which are completely unavalaible unless you have the coordinates. [/quote'] People scour the area off the map all the time with the express purpose of finding tents. It's not unavailable. Anyone can go there.
  8. How does the act of trying to hide tents hurt other players? What would be the point of a tent if you can't put it in obscure places?
  9. YES. Worth trying. Good foundation to build off of for humanity system.
  10. YES. More teamwork. More real survival. Higher intensity. Forced stealth tutorial. Add lower weapon spawn on the coast.
  11. MoonSpank

    vehicle cargo

    Try different spots/angles on the vehicle. You can't always access the gear on every point of it.
  12. MoonSpank

    The Community/Game as of 1.7.0

    I survive for weeks at a time, having died recently only to hackers, and manage to help my group of friends and players outside that group along the way. I don't have to murder anyone to manage this. What you have to do is play with the understanding that not everyone is playing the game the same way as you are. Some people are murderers, and that's ok if you compensate for that fact. If you play expecting everyone to be like you though, you're gonna have a bad time. Make some friends and stick with them. Your enjoyment will sky rocket. And when the long term gameplay elements get added, you'll benefit from having a solid group already made.
  13. 24 year old survivor looking for roommate. Brand new camping tent located in scenic location. Rent optional. Cuddling mandatory. I like to be the big spoon. Serious inquiries only. I'm not weird!