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About cynicaltyrant

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Good server so far. =D How do we go about getting a Skin for a clan on the server? -zRt- Could use a skin, else I fear one of us may shoot another before they say who they are... Cheers.
  2. Enjoying the server, except for a few people accusing my guys of combat logging (They Don't). Odd thing though. We found a camp of 3 MTVR's 2 SUV's a yellow URAL and a UH1H. Inside some of them were 40 or so frag grenades, 10+ Camo Clothes, (9) MK40 Mod 0's, 40 Mags of FN FAL, 40+ Mags of DMR, 40+ M240 Mags, 2 AS50's, 40 MRE's, 40 Moprhine, etc etc etc. Either somthing funny is going on ( remember, people can dupe still sadly), or we found an admin base. Either way.. Well.. We blew it all up. Cheers.
  3. Namalsk 0.74 Tents STILL do not work correctly and duplicate their contents after every restart. Example: I take 10 G17 magazines out of the tent and throw them on the ground. Server Restarts 10 G17 magazines reappear in the tent. This is even a new map, we've only ran it for 3 days, no modified scripts or anything, no special mods, guns nothing. I thought this had been fixed...?
  4. Do the Bloodsuckers on Nalmalsk 0.74 function through you all? I haven't found any, and I'm wondering If I've just been lucky...
  5. Is there any chance I could bother you for some form of a guide on how to / where to make these caches? Anybody that can help on this would be great. I wanted to place little things down around the world with little 'gifts' of sorts, or random supply caches that could have been left behind or abandoned by other 'survivors. Little fun things, you know?
  6. Not knowing much about it, is there something we can do do spawn veheicles and make them appear without a restart? Or is that not a possible thing?
  7. Can muliple admin accounts logins be made for the panel, or can only the one that pays for the server login to the panel. Obviously the account has saved CC info, and an individual would not want to share that info.
  8. We have a server through you at the moment, but since and onward, we've basically lost all the public players we had due to the tent issues. We're still new to DayZ server adminsitration so I need to ask if there is ANYTHING we can do on our end to fix tents resetting locations, items inside of themselves, and deleting items put in them after resets? I have taken tents down, put new ones up and moved items, then restarted the sever. The tents are magically back, items not in them since the first restart are deleted, and their contents are reset to what was in them in the first server restart. This has happened to us since to 1.7.6. to