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Le Cassutius Crassus

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Everything posted by Le Cassutius Crassus

  1. Le Cassutius Crassus

    How Serious do you get in DayZ?

    Thats the way to go, it's very annoying when someone holds you up and wastes your time. If they are so demanding I will kill :D
  2. Le Cassutius Crassus

    How Serious do you get in DayZ?

    Thats just stupid. If I met you I would kill you like the bambi bandit you are, and im usually friendly XDD
  3. Le Cassutius Crassus


    I agree, can't understand anything. But DayZ is more popular in eastern part of the world...(according to google trends).......
  4. Le Cassutius Crassus

    Heli Crash Loot Table Messed up?

    SVD's are very good, I dont see what the problem is. You can get m107's, m14's, and rangefinders at any other military loot spawn, but SVD's!!! Gotta view the cup half full not half empty.
  5. Le Cassutius Crassus

    What Kind of Player Are YOU?

    Very nice!!!
  6. Le Cassutius Crassus

    What Kind of Player Are YOU?

    I'm the type of player that can be cautious when caution is necessary but usually run into buildings looting. I play on servers with about 10 players max. At night I am less cautious and in the daytime a little more catious. I hide to get the advantage. I am mostly a lone wolf but I wouldn't mind a teammate. I will KoS if the person has killed another for no reason. I prefer to be on the outskirts and travel on foot, only engaging if needed. I will kill if you hold me up, as well as shoot me intending to kill me. I will give bambis nice gear if i dont need it and I will never betray. I like to keep a low profile but most of the time people see me first(probably b/c i run around looting), but thats rare due to the little amount of players. I like to carry a sniper( SVD camo if i can get it), and another weapon in my backpack. I am not a pack rat, collecting unecessary items. I will set up small camps just in case I die with essential gear, such as a backup sniper, map, food,etc. I am always looking to upgrade my gear. Lately I've seen a lot of betrayal, so i do not trust people easily. Basically I kill when I'm commanded to do something and I go my own way.
  7. Le Cassutius Crassus

    give us what we (do not) need! - junk and unique loot

    I would like to be able to write notes for other players/zombies to see. For example, I found a player's base with a heli. I would like to be able to write to him and say, "thanks for the heli, IOU" I also thought of implementing keys to the game or something of that sort to be able to gain access to a vault that spawns randomly on the server. A player has to get 3 keys with a 1% chance of spawning to gain access to a randomly located vault that may or may not have been open by a player that got to the vault first. Just something to work towards instead of getting a hero skin or an AS50.
  8. Le Cassutius Crassus

    Chernarus Map Suggestion - railway tunnels!

    This would be a great implementation, way faster way to get to NWAF.