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TG WarHead

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About TG WarHead

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  1. Im from the U.K aged 28 and have a mic, im a noob and will be checking out ur server today, just look out for WarHead and that will be me :)
  2. This server sounds good :) would like to join if possible? please could you send me a message with server details? thanks WarHead
  3. Im new to this aswell so if anyone wants a buddy then please message me with ur skype name and i will send you a invite and get some games sortied, would be cool if we could get a group of us together. Just so you know as well im 28 and have a mic, I will be on Dayz alot today.
  4. Im using dayz commander but cant seem to find it, can you link the server for me please?
  5. I will be sure to check it out guys, im a noob so would be nice to team up with a few guys, my name is WarHead and i have mic.
  6. TG WarHead

    New UK based Namalsk server!

    Hi there, im totally new to dayz, will this stop me from taking part? i have mic and aged 28. i also have BF4 & L4D2 so if im able to i could join on those servers aswell. if i am able to take part please could you message me? thanks WarHead
  7. TG WarHead

    someone team up?

    Im new to dayz aswell and from the U.K aged 28 and looking for someone to cover my back. message me on this site.
  8. TG WarHead

    New player, need someone to play with!

    Might check this server out later if thats cool? Look out for WarHead and that will be me :)
  9. TG WarHead

    New player, need someone to play with!

    Hey guys, anyone looking for a apprentice to play day z with as i am a noob i learn fast and two heads are better than one, im in the u.k aged 28 an ex military, message me if interested :)
  10. Hey guys, anyone looking for a apprentice to play day z with as i am a noob i learn fast and two heads are better than one, im in the u.k aged 28 an ex military, message me if interested :)