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About coeus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. coeus

    Stats key |

    Sorted thank you.
  2. coeus

    Stats key |

    Ah cheers. Thats pretty crap.
  3. coeus

    Budget pc

    I purchased a Core Quad 2.5ghz Q8300 with 4gb of ram and a gtx 460 1gb for £130 its not the best but it runs the latest games pretty well. Ebay might be your friend.. just dont get ripped off ;)
  4. coeus

    Stats key |

    As stated the key is assigned correctly.
  5. coeus

    Stats key |

    Ok sorry I've had a quick look around the forum but cannoit find a solution to this. I'm trying to look at stats.. kills etc using the correct key "|", however all it does is make a vertical 2 inch line in the centre of the screen until depressed then its gone again. No stats showing at all. Sorry if I'm being a bit dim? The key is assigned correctly. Any help appreciated.