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Gnarkill (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gnarkill (DayZ)

  1. Gnarkill (DayZ)

    Voice chat ran amok.

    So i was on a private server a little bit ago (greyz) and my name kept popping up like I was using my mic in side chat (which i would never do and hate when others do it) but since I don't have a mic currently it was blaring white noise. The thing is i wasn't pressing caps lock or the button to cycle through the different voice channels, It was even happening when i was afk. So I come back from getting a cup of coffee and people are super pissed in side chat with me lol. Anyone else encounter this? My first thought was a hack, seen a few where people take over your character/controls. But then my game crashed and got some error I have never seen before, I can't recall what it said however. Any ideas?
  2. Sorry for the douple post...but seriously this server is not working right 75% of the time...either i can't get my character to load or I get dc'd and then get wait for host non sense. I liked playing here until recently.. AAAAND i bet once i finally get back on i will be dead/knocked out with broken bones under my fucking car i was driving.....this is really getting old..if you want to have people on your server and keep it populated...make sure its WORKING lmao, sorry for the rage but this is the 2nd time today i can't get in and play, and 5th in 2 days.....
  3. Gnarkill (DayZ)

    Is the term "bandit" losing meaning?

    This is not CoD or Battlefield people....not knocking those games I happen to be a fan of some good ole fashioned frag fest action. But I got this game because it was unique and while gun fights seemed more rare than all other shooters they were also a lot more meaningful/fun it seemed (from youtuber vids) but now that I been playing for the last month, its more like a slow ass version of both those games but you have to find a gun usually, instead of spawning with one. I dont mind dying or shooting it out with bandits...but mostly i find myself fighting other survivors all the time because no one lives long enough to get the bandit skin lmao. Which to me says too much KoS happening. I myself am not a "friendly" or hero but i am not a bandit either....I kill if someone is getting to close to my camp or is headed to the same loot area I am. (airfields tents etc.) Or if you are trying to steal my car lol. REASONS FOR KILLING! lol not just wontan slaughter hk-47 style =P but to each their own. Not saying you can't play like a dick....but it just causes more people to play that same way, dumbing the game down to a point where its just deathmatch on a huge open world.
  4. Hey fix your damn server! =P Constantly getting "something went wrong disconnect and try again" I want to get back on and finish making my camp lol. I have tried every solution i know even a few new ones with no luck. Tried a different player profile even. Just cant get on there. But i can play on other servers....but they arent as fun as this one! ty hope this problem isnt on my end...
  5. Gnarkill (DayZ)

    Help please, cannot find solution.

    I am having this problem with 1 server. And of course its the server I have been playing on the last few days. I have all the right versions can load up all other servers just fine. This is extremely frustrating. Finally got my camp set up with a lot of supplies/weapons and now I can't play that character. First it just takes for ever to load, then I get wind and other ambient sounds with a counter that just keeps going until "something went wrong blah blah blah..." tried the whole verifying cache or whatever through steam and that did jack squat even though it re-downloaded 14 files some reason. Guess its time to hop servers again...sigh